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Old December 20th, 2006, 11:21 PM
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Default HoneyBadger\'s Watercolor Translation and Generator

This is an exciting project. I will be project manager.

Ok, assignations.

HoneyBadger, you have the priority action items of:
--migrate present sprites to Watercolor versions
--create watercolor map generator
--create random watercolor unit sprite generator (inputs would be race (e.g. human), # arms, # legs, # heads, size, etc.
--create timeline
--create project guidelines for the huge number of volunteers for this project
--filter (weed) out the undesireables--using force if necessary

I will have the following action items:
--manage project

I propose (not to step on your feet, and feel free to go your own direction) that we filter volunteers based on creativity. Let their first post here be the basis for keeping or discarding them from the team. We can assign them functions based on how creative their post is. E.g. "Hi! I'd like to help. I am an advanced AI programmer." would generate a discard. We need input that is watercolored in nature. So--here would be a winner:

YO YO YO I would be a great choice for map generator coder because SPUTNIK!!!!

Wow, that would be a winner!!!111!!!

Ok, let's roll up our sleeves! Dig in. We should plan on having the whole thing done by Tuesday.
--Uh-Nu-Buh, Fire/Death
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Old December 20th, 2006, 11:22 PM
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Default Re: HoneyBadger\'s Watercolor Translation and Gener

I am so excited!!

More colors we can use in the project:

--teal (spelling?)

I like those colors.
--Uh-Nu-Buh, Fire/Death
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Old December 20th, 2006, 11:23 PM
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Default Re: HoneyBadger\'s Watercolor Translation and Gener

I hate to do this, but just in case:

--Uh-Nu-Buh, Fire/Death
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Old December 21st, 2006, 12:05 AM
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Default Re: HoneyBadger\'s Watercolor Translation and Gener

I would look to the ImageMagick tools to do this in batchs. Unfortunately those tools are too graphic-jargon for me to quite figure anything out with them other than just trial-and-error over and over and over
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Old December 21st, 2006, 12:09 AM
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Default Re: HoneyBadger\'s Watercolor Translation and Gener

That's a good tip, Gandalf. But unfortunately you didn't write in a pink, ochre, teal (sp), or combo-color font so unless HoneyBadger overrules me, you are Bumped.
--Uh-Nu-Buh, Fire/Death
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Old December 21st, 2006, 12:34 AM
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Default Re: HoneyBadger\'s Watercolor Translation and Gener

I Agree with GanDalf.
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Old December 21st, 2006, 01:43 AM
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Default Re: HoneyBadger\'s Watercolor Translation and Gener

Ok, first step, Uh-nu-buh, you go to the five major technical colleges and the five major art colleges closest to you and start hiring "interns". "Interns" will not be paid by any means, but will be able to build up their resumes by fetching us coffee and doing all the work we don't want to do, as in my delegating Uh-nu-buh's priority action list to whichever "interns" can make sense of it. Gandalf will be assigned a team of 5-6 interns who's job is to make him an expert in ImageMagick, whatever that is. Uninspired, you are in charge of securing coffee, drinks, and foodstuffs. You may create a team of however many "interns" have the most money and are willing to invest in the project. You may also choose them based on looks, personality, and impressionability, whatever traits you feel are most suitable, so long as you keep the food and drinks flowing. Once you've secured 30-35 "interns", Uh-nu-buh, you, along with myself, will recieve the title and position of "co-treasurer". While you continue to lead the "intern-drive", we will jointly manage the "interns'" funds and-so as not to overwork you-I will be responsible for managing the "slush-fund".
You've sailed off the edge of the map--here there be badgers!
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Old December 22nd, 2006, 06:46 PM
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Default Re: HoneyBadger\'s Watercolor Translation and Gener

Gasp, I... I was too successful. Toooooo many interns. Young, female, rich.... Crawling all over me. FOR THE LOVE OF THE CHILDREN!!! Putting 1 dollar bills in odd places.... NO NO, THE HORROR. Please! Make it stop!!

Please, don't cry for me, Dominions friends.... Don't cry for me....

Don't stop the project for this. Do it for the UNBer! Do it for the UNBer....
--Uh-Nu-Buh, Fire/Death
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Old December 25th, 2006, 10:02 PM
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Default Re: HoneyBadger\'s Watercolor Translation and Gener

Sadly, we here at HoneyBadger's Watercolor Translation and Generator (HBW-T&E) mourn the loss of Vice President Uh-Nu-Buh. Uh-Nu-Buh was loyal and friendly to all of his superiors, especially the ones who could fire him, and really cared about his paycheck. Those below him on the corporate foodchain will remember him as the one you had to sleep with if you wanted to make it in this business. Uh-Nu-Buh died around midnight of complications brought on by enthusiastic oversexification and an overdose of Viagra which resulted in fatal Priapism, and will be survived by literally hundreds of illegitimate children, none of which are mentioned anywhere in the will, and a goat named Sally.
You've sailed off the edge of the map--here there be badgers!
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Old December 26th, 2006, 02:39 PM
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Default Re: HoneyBadger\'s Watercolor Translation and Gener

Is Sally mentioned in the will then?
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