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Old December 12th, 2006, 02:18 AM

Zogu Zogu is offline
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Default The translator\'s corner

Hi! As discussed several months ago, I have finally started translating Weird Worlds in French. This is a huge task, but it is not impossible. When it comes to video games, applications or web services, we talk about "localization", that is, adapting a program to a locale. In some cases, it involves changes in icons and symbols, shortcuts, menu structures, text orientation and so on. In our case, hopefully, it only involves changes in the text content.

In the last upgrade (1.2), I was pleased to find a "strings.ini" file, which means that the whole game would be (hopefully) customizable, down to the button labels. Amazing! Since the graphic character set (font_16x32.tga) contains most western-european accented letters, it is possible to translate it to many languages, including French, German, Spanish, Swedish, etc. And yeah, probably Finnish too. It seems to cover ISO 8859-1 pretty well.

It would be technically possible to cover languages such as Vietnamese and Turkish, with minor modifications to the graphic font, without making the base (English) text garbled. Nice.

For this "side project", I work without any translation tool (which is unfortunate, since there is a lot of repeats and similar strings in the ini files). So far, I have translated most of the GUI, the mission file, and the race files. I still have a lot of work to do, covering ships, quests and items.

I have met very few problems. I'd say that more than 95% of the game uses resource strings, with a few hard-coded strings. Here are my comments.

A few missing resource strings:
Some vidcast window titles are still using hard-coded strings, for instance the Urluquai vidcast and the mid-mission pop-up.

Month names ("JAN", "FEB", ...) are also hard-coded, but this is a very minor detail.

Translated strings too large for buttons:
In some cases, the buttons don't leave much space for longer words or expressions. This is a real challenge for the translator. How will I translate "FOLD" (???)? How will I translate "RETIRE" (RETRAITE?) or "BOARD" (ABORDER?)? I'll come up with something, but it takes a few tries!

String position dependent on text:
In some rare cases, the displayed string is positioned absolutely, for instance the "RAM" label that appears in combat. It is a challenge to come up with a word that won't be un-centered to the right.

Ship names:
The ships display names are hard to translate because they are also used as "keys" or "variables". Thus, if I change the name of the Terran Corvette, I'll have to propagate this change immediately across all files. Otherwise, I'll have broken references. This problem wouldn't arise if we had a ship "internal" ("TER-COR") name and a display name ("Terran Corvette"). I'll keep that for the end, and I'll use the "replace in filesystem" function in Textpad. Nifty!

Graphic text:
A single graphic file needed to be modified, the CARGO icon. However, "CARGO" could be considered OK in French. I've replaced it with "SOUTE", which is more acceptable. It's nice that this game doesn't rely on graphic text at all. Truly moddable!

As soon as the translation if finished, I'll upload the Mod here. The file selection I'll provide could be used by translators who wish to localize the game in other languages.
Old December 12th, 2006, 04:49 AM

Jamiri Jamiri is offline
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Default Re: The translator\'s corner

This effort will be much appreciated by the French gamers, I believe. Digital Eel should be grateful to you!
Old December 12th, 2006, 05:05 PM
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Default Re: The translator\'s corner

No hardcoded text exists in the game apart from the version number (v1.21).

The month names are defined in the game.ini of your mod. In fact the whole calendar system is.

The vidcast window title comes from the explore_vidcast line in strings.ini (the race name is inserted at the "%s").

The mission time messages are in mission-specific quests game_pirate and game_brass.

Sorry about the RAM and BOARD labels, those must be five characters long to center properly

Good luck with your project!
Old December 12th, 2006, 05:27 PM

Zogu Zogu is offline
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Default Re: The translator\'s corner

Thanks for the information!!!!!!

For the vidcast: It's my mistake! I had saved an incompletely translated ini file.

For the month names: I understand now. I thought the month names were in fact, keys in key-value pairs. But it all makes sense with the "CALENDAR" tag on top.

For the mid-game text: Right... found it! I had searched for "Murcon" instead of "Mucron". Gaaaa.

"RAM" and "BOARD": it's okay, I've seen worse situations in accounting software (eg, labels that should be 3 or 4 characters long on 3270 terminal emulation and stuff like that).

But this is as good as it gets. I've never seen a game so easy to translate.
Old December 13th, 2006, 08:07 AM

flap flap is offline
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Default Re: The translator\'s corner

How will I translate "FOLD" (???) ? --> Tordre , plier

To me "Tordre" seems to apply quite well
Old December 13th, 2006, 03:58 PM

Zogu Zogu is offline
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Default Re: The translator\'s corner

For "folding", I chose "PLIER", which is less violent than "TORDRE" (so it goes well with the zen-like Zorg philosophy).

For "board", "ABORDER" is a a bit too wide... but do I have the choice.

I've still got a few problematic expressions, all of which are hard to translate into small words in French:
- GO BACK (when encountering a black hole; "retour"? "annuler"?)
- RETIRE (button is tight)
- USE (button on cargo objects; button is very short)

If anyone has some ideas, it'd be appreciated.



I've finished the following ".ini" files: strings, mission, game, credits.
All graphics are done (a few modifications in the gui files).
Right now: stars, planets, hulls and races.
Next: quests and items.
Last: ship names.
Old December 14th, 2006, 02:09 PM

flap flap is offline
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Default Re: The translator\'s corner

Some suggestions... (I know, some are too long. But, who knows, it might to get ideas)

- �peroner, choc, percer :RAM / RAMMING / RAM CAPABLE
- repli, retraite, fuite (fuire), rentrer : GO BACK (when encountering a black hole; "retour"? "annuler"?)
- rentrer, retrait (?), repos, maison, retour : RETIRE (button is tight)
- Hop (?), marche, -U-, : USE (button on cargo objects; button is very short)
Old December 14th, 2006, 08:10 PM

Zogu Zogu is offline
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Default Re: The translator\'s corner

I'll take "RETOUR" for "RETIRE". Very good idea, Flap!


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