News Release For Immediate Release
Shrapnel Games' Aural Attack!
Hampstead, NC, 27 November 2006
iGame Radio ( will feature none other than
Shrapnel Games founder, Tim Brooks, on its November 27th broadcast. The show,
streamed on its site, will begin at 6 PM Pacific Standard Time and runs for ninety
minutes. iGame Radio even allows listeners to call in with questions, but you need to
have Skype ( If you've been waiting for the right program to turn
your $5,000 computer into a radio, here it is!
Premiering on June 6th, 2005, iGame Radio has been going strong ever since then with a
wide array of guests, reviews, and other features focusing on the world of Mac related
gaming. As such anticipated topics will probably include Weird Worlds: Return to
Infinite Space and the Dominions series, but you'll have to tune in to find out!
Shrapnel Games is one of the oldest independent publishers of computer gaming, dating
back to the Jurassic 'Net Age of 1999. Focusing on superlative niche gaming, with an
emphasis on strategy titles, Shrapnel Games has published a wide array of award-winning
and critically acclaimed titles over the years. Recently released titles range from fast and
furious lunch-break style gaming like Weird Worlds: Return to Infinite Space and Land
of Legends, to detailed turn-based tactical wargaming in the form of WinSPWW2, to epic
multi-player fantasy strategy like Dominions 3: The Awakening. Upcoming titles include
a musical RPG (Shady O'Grady's Rising Stars), real-time tactical airmobile simulation
(Air Assault Task Force), ancient naval warfare (Galley Battles), and more.
To listen to iGame Radio and Tim Brook's interview tune in at 6 PM PST by pointing
your browser to:
You'll need a copy of Quicktime 6 to listen so make sure to visit the following page
beforehand if needed: