The game server is patched to ver 3.01 so new games have been started. The blitz games have been increased to 4 players on maps of 50 provinces. I added the start button back in so you can start a blitz with 3 or 2 players if you want.
edited: the server is
era 1 game bl_affective on port 8870
era 1 game bl_stomachic on port 8879
era 2 game bl_lairdie on port 8207
era 2 game bl_kissingly on port 8448
era 3 game bl_fessely on port 8221
era 3 game bl_susotoxin on port 8835
era 3 game bl_spiry on port 8020
DEMO game on port 8853 called demo_8853
Link to check on who has joined Blitz games.
Link to check on who has joined the demo-only game.