OK, here's a test of the 'all purpose community'.
Does anyone here know anything about the 'new' compact fluorescent bulbs on the market? I have been using compact fluorescents for some years already, and just recently had to replace one. They are noticably cheaper than they used to be, and the quality of the light is definitely better. A nice 'warm' glow like the old incandescents. The really interesting thing I noticed about the one I just bought is how it works when turned on. Instead of flickering a bit (faster than the old, large fluorescent bulbs, but they still did) and it's on, it comes on immediately at a low level and slowly gets
brighter for about a minute. The very first time I tuned it on I could look under the lamp shade and see the glow creeping up the bulb. This looks to me like a very real change in technology and I was wondering what it was.
Also, has the 'Achilles' heel' of fluorescent bulbs been fixed yet? Do they survive being frequently turned on and off better than they used to, or is it still wise to use other bulbs (like halogens) in sockets where you turn it on & off a lot?