\"Primitive\" tech tree
Would anyone actually like to see this? There was a discussion on this a while back, and I've decided to take it on as my first major mod project.
This would be a racial area similar to the "Pirates and Nomads" mod- the "normal" tech would be moved to a seperate racial area.
If it's OK with the creator of that mod, I'll use the info from his mod for the normal races, so races that don't use the respective special areas would be compatable with either (i.e. the standard SE4 races)
Anyway, I was thinking of having a few different "levels" of primitives:
1. Low Tech primitive. Starts out with basic farming, ends with modern type tech- the best space veicle would be a pathetic fighter (meant to simulate the space shuttle, etc, which wouldn't handle warp points)
2. Medium tech primitive. Starts around 19th century tech, ends with basic (slow) starships and weak ship-to-ship weaponry.
3. High tech primitive. Starts around modern tech, ends where the SE4 tech *starts*.
4. Semi-primitive. Starts around modern time, ends around the middle of the SE4 tech trees.
Comments, suggestions? I can't do new graphics, and I haven't touched the AI files, so I would need help there. I think this would be a nice setting for new neutral races, and the higher levels would be a good "handicap" in PBEM where one player is much better than another (might be fun, if *hard*, in single, too)
I am not senile. I just talk to myself because the rest of you don't provide adequate conversation.
- Digger