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Old June 28th, 2006, 04:19 PM
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Default Polish OOB

I found something in polish OOB

Formation 392 , 393 and 394 have a wz.29 cars but this is a bug wz.29 are in his own formations Hevy AC so in Formations with normal armoured Car should be wz.28 and Pegout M1918 and and ford Tf-c in in 1930.

Platon consist from three vehicles

- Armored car with gun
- Armored car with HMG
- Armored car with HMG

Company named in Poland Szwadron consist from two Platons and commander vehicle with gun

In 1932 ford tf-c are retired , Pegout M1918 was moved to police units and armoured cars based only on wz.28 what than was rebuild to wz.34 standard last wz.28 serve to 12/1936. First wz.34 rebuild from wz.28 apear in this formation in 4/1934 and to the fall of poland this formation based on Wz.34 armoured cars. Poland don't have a special designation for armored cars with guns (this names wz.34a for example) is wrong should be wz.34 ( "a" letter was added by germans)

Bombers formation should start in 1/30 not in 1/37 because Fokker and Goliath aircrafts are not avibles.

3. Bofors 37mm Gun we have a bug too
was in two versions wz.36 and wz.37 for tanks with small improvments of performance.
weapon 013 should be named 37mm wz.36 L45 not L40 see in Swedish OOB that is the same gun weapon , 014 should be removed because 015 represents tanks version of bofors 37mm gun. Now we need only a improvment of date in unit and formation first this guns apear in polish army in 1936 because is named (Wzor 1936 what means Model from 1936 year)
see http://derela.republika.pl/weap2.htm#37

4. 40mm Bofors AA gun
First this guns came to polish army from Sweden in September 1936 than were made in polish fabric so date need corection polish gun has his own missing winter camuflage see icon 2807. You can too remove weapon 017 2 pdr AA-Gun because tis is bofors 40mm represents by weapon 025. Why 017 has worse performance I don't know?

5. Tankettes
should be remowed a word (cz lek) from TK-3 and TKS that means Light Tank and is not need. The letter (m) for tankettes with 20mm gun is not need too , vehicles with this gun has no special designaton I things (m) was added by germans. Next icons for tankettes 425 , 426 , 427 are wrong TK-3 has TKS icon TKS with 20mm gun has TK-3 icon with HMG.
Last thing weapons 231 and 232 should be named (7.92 wz.30 XXX because CKM means in polish HMG and not more that is not own name) wz.30 CMG is good labeled. TKS were armed in 7.92 wz.30 BMG only short time. First models of this tankette were produced in 6/1933 with wz.30 BMG but after 4/1934 vehicles from fabric were equiped in 7.92 wz.25 BMG and what were in units were rebuild to this wz.25 BMG to the 12/1935

6. Bicycle units
Formation 429 should be named Company not platon and units 750 and 751 has no diferences in weapons why I don't know?

In Romunian OOB

P-23 has a wrong icon from P.Z.L P-24 units 341 and 375 but in game are aviable romunians P-23 icons see icons 2976-2978
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Old June 28th, 2006, 05:44 PM
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Default Re: Polish OOB

I'll look into this


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Old June 28th, 2006, 11:42 PM
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Default Re: Polish OOB


I've reviewed this and fixed the OOB where applicable but there are a couple of things I didn't do

I didn't change the "a" designation from the Wz.34 armoured cars with guns. I'm betting the Germans added that so people would know at a glance what version...gun or non gun they were dealing with and that's why I'm going to leave that in.


"....weapon , 014 should be removed"
".....You can too remove weapon 017"

You must be very, very careful removing weapons. We found that out the hard way. They may not be used by the units in the OOB as it's written now but the units in older scenarios *MAY* be using them and the only way to find them is the hard way....when someone complains they tried to fire a unit and nothing happend. In this OOB there are plenty of free weapons slots so leaving an old "unused" one in is not an issue


"You are never to old to rock and roll if you are too young to die".--- What do you expect to be doing when you are 80?

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Old June 29th, 2006, 06:23 PM

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Default Re: Polish OOB

blazejos said:

3. Bofors 37mm Gun we have a bug too
was in two versions wz.36 and wz.37 for tanks with small improvments of performance.
weapon 013 should be named 37mm wz.36 L45 not L40 see in Swedish OOB that is the same gun weapon , 014 should be removed because 015 represents tanks version of bofors 37mm gun. Now we need only a improvment of date in unit and formation first this guns apear in polish army in 1936 because is named (Wzor 1936 what means Model from 1936 year)
see http://derela.republika.pl/weap2.htm#37

4. 40mm Bofors AA gun
First this guns came to polish army from Sweden in September 1936 than were made in polish fabric so date need corection polish gun has his own missing winter camuflage see icon 2807. You can too remove weapon 017 2 pdr AA-Gun because tis is bofors 40mm represents by weapon 025. Why 017 has worse performance I don't know?

Some further details.
The guns where still owned by Bofors while evaluated during 1936. The actual contract where signed April 16:th 1936.
The first 10 37mm guns where shipped February 17:th 1937 while the first 40mm where sent on June 22 1937, both shipments delivered by a freighter named Egon.

Weapon 17 is the Vickers Pom-Pom, in the Polish brigade.

/John T.
Who spent the time not updating OOB's reading through Swedish export permits in the Foreign office archive.
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Old June 30th, 2006, 02:33 AM
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Default Re: Polish OOB

Thanks for intresting
you have a better information about delivery 37mm and 40mm guns from Sweden. I found another intresting informations abuot this gun. Polish buy in Sweden a license for both guns and made in factories. Polish production guns 37mm and 40mm was in prewar time sell to UK and 37mm to Romania. Polish Carpathian Brigade during fights in Tobruk in 1941 recive from british hands a polish made 37mm bofors guns what were buy in poland by British in prewar times.
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Old June 30th, 2006, 03:04 AM

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Default Re: Polish OOB

The 2pdr gun has lower performance as it should, it isn't Bofors 40mm but Vickers 40mm pom-pom using less powerful ammunition.
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Old June 30th, 2006, 04:23 AM
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Default Re: Polish OOB

I understud
I prewar polish army this gun 40mm Vickers was used only on ships and river monitors. Wasn't in land forces corect label should be 40mm Vickers or something because we don't use pounds for caliber of guns only metric units. But in post september campaign forces in England polish soliders use 40mm Bofors british version in OOB is a bug because they has this old vickers guns as a standalone and on trucks
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Old June 30th, 2006, 04:56 AM
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Default Re: Polish OOB

Don can you see too a 7TP and 9TP tanks
especialy radio code all 7TP single turent has a radio ( a roof in the rear of turent) so I thing they should has radio 90 not 20 what is your opinion? Can you see too the armour in this tanks many say on polish forum 7TP tanks family has a not good modeled armour?
here is the source but how can i that renumbered to armour points http://wio.ru/tank/poland.htm

I found in OOB we have wrong lbm for PZL P-37A Los the foto represents version B with double empennage. Here is a good and corect photo of A version

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Old June 30th, 2006, 12:56 PM
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Default Re: Polish OOB


What's wrong with the armour on the 7tp ? That link doesn't work. Just spelling out what it is and what you think it should be and why works best. I do not see a problem with the 2 all around for this vehicle we have now

I'll talk with Andy about the radio

I fixed the PIC


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Old July 4th, 2006, 06:06 AM
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Default Re: Polish OOB

Explanation of the of this phenomen why 7TP has too weak armour need a comprasion with another tanks from the Vickers 6-Ton (Mk.E) family like rusian T-26 and vickers tanks in another cauntrys service and as I saw we have a mess with this.

First I think a best page with story of Vickers 6-Ton http://derela.republika.pl/vae.htm

First lets see in polish OOB

unit 449 that is Vickers E Mk.A buy in GB by polish Goverment. That is a orginal british version only a HMG are polish wz.25 So how looks this tanks has 3 people crew , can carry 6 soliders on armour , his weight is 10, speed 12 because 35km/h:3 give 11,6666... so speed is round up . Radio only 22 because has no radio. FC=1 and RF=1 Survability=3 like for this tanks class and the moust important thing the armour hull: front and sides - 13mm, rear - 8mm ,turret (both single-turret and twin-turret)13mm all around top and bottom - 5mm so is HF=2 , HS=2 , HR=1 , TF=2 , TS=2 , TR=1 , Top=1 So I have a proposition change TR =2 because turent has armour all the same. ROF for MG version is 9. I thing this parameters should good describe a standard UK made Vickers tank with two turents.

Unit 450 that is Vickers E Mk.B typical tank from GB with 47mm Vickers gun and here with polish wz.30 CMG insted of 7.7mm vickers CMG. All parameters are like previous version except FC=2 single turent version has a optic sight and armour should be hanged TR=2 like in previous unit. ROF=8 because gun is not so fast like TMG in two turents version and icon is of course with single turent. lbm is not good because represents leter polish rebuild variant with air inlets but here is not rebuild version so should be lbm 27614

Unit 638 is for remove because represents this same units what 449 is a clone

Unit 639 Represent Mk.A with polish only rebuild air intakes , camo from years 34-36. This version has in one of the turents 13.2mm TMG The lbm what should be good for this version is PM30225-old.LBM you can see on this photo a longer TMG in one turent. In armour HR is 2 for all polish tanks with rebuild air intakes. TR shuld be changed TR=2. Radio code is 21 because not many of tanks was rebuild for this standart.

Unit 640
The same rebuild what previous unit but with old 37mm SA18 puteaux gun TR should be 2. Radio code too with 21 because not many rebuild

Unit 641
Standart version with two wz.25 TMG .TR should be changed
TR=2 like in previous tanks here I propositioned a new lbm Pm29427.lbm because previous photo represents tank without air intakes Icon too ned changes to for old camo version summer and desert icon should be 3472 for winter 3473

Unit 642
too standart version but after rearm to wz.30 TMG. in armour too change for TR=2 is need and lbm I propositioned Pm29428.lbm represents tank with air intakes and wz.30 TMG. As you can see in this last configuration was used by polish in 1939

Unit 643
Is not need should be removed this unit is a clone of unit 450

Unit 644
Vickers one turent in old camo and with air intake so HR is 2. In this tank TR should be changed to 2 because turent with gun was 13mm all around like in two turent version

Unit 645
The same tank like previous but with new camo TR should be 2

Unit 646
the same what previous TR should be 2 but after euiped all vickers single turent tanks in radio so Radio is 82

Rusian OOB

Rusian buy this Vickers tanks and than made his own T-26.
Unit 518 represents this orginal UK made tanks. speed should be changed to 12 not 10 like is today. DT TMG are good rusian arms this tanks in his own TMGs. TR should be 2 like changes in polish oob. Icon is from T-26 M1931 what is very similar I proposition put here a new Vickers icons what are in atachment. I propositioned too change a lbm to 27617 because this today represents vickers tank in polish camo.

Chinse comunists OOB

Unit 005 as I supppouse is a Vickers Vickers E Mk.B single turent variant. What should be changed: Crew should be 3 , Speed 12 , Radio should be 8X because chinse tanks was radio equiped , gun weapon 019 I think is not good compare with weapon 023 in polish oob ammo for gun should be HE=25 and AP=24 tank has 49 shells. In slot two should be Vickers CMG , Vickers BMG should be removed in slot 4. FC should be changed to 2. In Armour HF changed to 2 , HR=1 , TF=2. Icon is from vickers 12-ton tank I propositioned put here a special icon for chinse vickers tanks with radio roof in turent rear icon 3481. LBMs for chinse Vickers E one turents are 27612 and 27613

Unit 288
No info about buy to china a two turent variant of Vickers tank so meyby should be removed? but if you want leve here this tank need changes. Crew:3 , Speed:12 , TR=2 , ROF=9 Icon is taken from T-26 M1931 I propositioned put here a new vickers icons. Propositioned lbm 27617

Bulgarian OOB

Unit 001
change speed:12 , FC=2 , RF=1 , Gun to weapon like 023 in polish OOB , AP ammo should be 24 , TR armour should be 2 as a icon I propositioned new vickers icons in fabric camo 3480.

Unit 282
Need the same changes like unit 001

Nationalist China OOB

Unit 005
need the same changes like unit 005 in Comunists china OOB

Unit 288
need the same changes like unit 288 in Comunists china OOB

In 1935 china buy 23 Dragon, Medium Mk.IV based on vickers E

Netherlands OOB

Unit 309
gun I thing need comprasion see weapon 023 in polish OOB in netherlads parameters are difrents ammo changes HE=25 AP=24 Saboot =0. Another changes FC=2 , HF=2 , HR=1 , TF=2. Icon can be changed to one of new icons in atachment

Greece OOB

Unit 365
Crew=3 , Speed=12 , TR=2 icon can be changed from T-26 M1931 to one of the new Vickers E Mk.A icons

Unit 366
lbm should be changed because represents polish variant with air intakes I propositioned 27611 or 27614. Speed=12 , FC=2 , HF=2 , HR=1 , TF=2. Gun should be compared to weapon 023 in polish OOB ammo AP=24 , Sabot=0. Icon can be changed to one of the new vickers icons

Finland OOB
Finlan buy in 1933 one single turent variant for test with 47mm orginal gun. Than in years 1938-1939 buy 33 tanks some with Mark E hull the last with Mark F hull. Tanks were without guns so Finns buy in bofors fabric 37mm guns the same what were used in polish 7TP tanks. In the first period tanks were unarmed or armet with one TMG or 37mm puteaux makeschift. Than were armed in 37mm gun but with makeshift sights because germans don't sell optics for gun.

Unit 004
Schould be Crew=3 , Radio meaby 20? , Ammo for gun HE=25 AP=50 Sabot=5 like in 7TP see to the weapon 14 shuld have the same parameters like weapon 015 in Polish OOB. Wapon in slot 2 should be Maxim CMG. RF=1 armour HS=2 , TS=2 , TR=2 I proposition add a new icon of this tank made specialy for finish Vickers.

I proposition too add a new units what represents a late vickers tanks with Mark.F hull all parameters should be the same like unit 004 after modification but HR=2 because F version hull has difrent (better) shape of hull and icons from scope 3483-3486. Next new unit what can be add for finish OOB is T-26E this is a Vickers E with 45mm gun weapon 018 and DT CMG demounted from destroyed T-26 with optic FC=1 RF=1. LBM 23556 represents this tank.

Siam (Thailand) OOB

Unit 010
Carry=6 , Speed=12 , FC=2 , Gun wepon 204 should be compared to weapon 023 in polish OOB ammo HE=25 AP=24 Sabot=0 Armour HF=2 , HR=1 , TF=2 icon can be take from new vickers icon in atachment

Unit 020
AA SP-vehicle based on Vickers E should have lbm 9008 this today is wrong speed=12 weapon should be 019 2-pdr AA gun and armour HF=2 Icon for this vehicle should be 3482.

Unit 019
That is not a vickers E based vehicle but is mis-mach with unit 020 shuld have lbm 17025 weapon 007 insted of pom-pom

Unit 370
Need this changes what was made in unit 010 icon 3480 should be good

I propositioned in unit 370 change start date to 1939 so this unit can represents secound series of tanks with Mark.F hull if this change be made HR should be 2 and nd icons from scope 3483-3486 should be used

Blue OOB

Unit 001
Crew=3 Speed=12 Radio=22 , TR=2 Icon can be used some of the new for Vickers E vehicles insted of this from T-26. One of bolivian Mk.A were captured together with singl turent version were sold by Paraquay goverment to republican spain in 1937.

Unit 002
Crew=3 Speed=12 Radio=22 Ammo AP=24 ,FC=2 , TR=2 , icon 3480 , lbm 27611 should be good because this tank has no air intakes. Year I proposited to change start year to 1933
because in this year Bolivia aquired from vickers fabric single turent Vickers E and use them in Gran-Chaco war with Paraquay and captured by enemy in december 1933. From Paraquay tank were sold to republican spain in January 1937

British OOB

Britain has four of this tanks in takes by goverment after WWII starts that was last from the series for Thailand with Mark.F hull I propositioned put this tank for home guard vehicles or experimental vehicles.

I propositioned too add a Dragon, Medium Mk.IV artilery tractor Vickers build 12 vehicles for british army

I thing that was a vehicle like unit 020 AA vehicle in Thailand OOB but without pom-pom gun and turent armour icon for this vehicle is 3447. All vehicles were in BEF and were destroyed in Dunquierque in 1940 were used for towed 60-pdr guns (127 mm)

India OOB
In 1937 India bought 18 Dragon, Medium Mk.IV
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