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Old May 9th, 2006, 03:14 AM
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Default OT: %$#@&%$#$ing Legal System !!!!

They need to trash the whole thing and just hand out .00 shotguns !!!!!

Background for this rant -

Pt 1) 26 months ago, I went over to my Ex's house to pick up my kids (a weekly event). When I arrive, I learn that two nights prior her boyfriend knocked her to the ground and choked her unconscious, and that he did so in front of my then 4y/o daughter!!! When she regained consciousness, she called the cops and the pissant punk puke fled like the chicken**** rat's *** that he is.

Pt 2) While my Ex is gathering up the kids for me to take, this same SOB, who has managed to evade the cops, KICKS in her front door and come in yelling "Where are you, ***** !!!" Only now, instead of finding a 5'2" 110lb scared-to-death woman, he's suddenly face-to-face with my 6' 285lb ex-Recon and HIGHLY pissed-off self. Then this numbnuts tries to lunge past me and grab her, to drag her outside so he can "straighten her out about the other night" !!! Needless to say, I commenced to pounding his stupidity into snailsnot. He's crying and begging the neighbors to call the cops and save him. And he's three inches and 40lbs bigger, and 14 years younger than me. And, an ex-con from some Prison.
Well, the cops do come, and they drag his sorry hide off to jail, take statements and pictures, the works.

Pt 3) Now 26 months later, I have to take another (the 11th so far) day off from work to go to court over this punk MF, only to get a call tonight from the DA telling me that his lawyer is probably going to push ANOTHER postponement, and there's a good chance the judge will grant it since he's such a low priority case !!! They have EVERYTHING they need to bury this rat-bastard - Statements, photos, physical evidence, prior history, the works. And he's managed to drag this out for over two years !!!

What the Hell is the point of our legal system anyway !?!?!?

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Old May 9th, 2006, 12:43 PM

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Default Re: OT: %$#@&%$#$ing Legal System !!!!

The good news is you managed to beat the [censored] out of him before all the legalities started. And didn't end up sued in the process. It's too bad the bastard won't end up getting much in the way of jail time...

Personally, I think vigilante justice works very well...and I'd make the piece of crap disappear permanently.
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Old May 9th, 2006, 01:30 PM
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Default Re: OT: %$#@&%$#$ing Legal System !!!!

At least your ex had the sense to get rid of the jerk and isn't trying to defend him now. You could have ended up being the one facing charges if she took his side with the cops. And it does happen. My ex let her new husband smack her around for a year, sometimes in front of my kids, before she finally put him out. I'll never understand why some people put up with stuff like that.
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Old May 9th, 2006, 01:30 PM
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Default Re: OT: %$#@&%$#$ing Legal System !!!!

Damn, that's a nasty case.
I agree with Renegade13. You have to glad to escape being sued. Such a thing is all too common these day.

I recently have acquired some ties to the Itailan bad guys... might I be of service?

No, I'm just kdding. My girlfriend happens to be Italian. Her grandfather was arrested for ties with the Maffia. He landed in jail, but they released him on medical grounds. He lived on another half year and died.

I hope better times will come for you my friend, this is not very educational for your kids and not very nice for you and your ex-wife. But be sure not to take matters in your own hands, that could end up very badly.
This also makes you wander why women always chose soo badly when they've suffered some kind of emotional jolt. It's very illustrative for their kind.

Oh, nothing was meant as an offence in this post (if something here comes across like and insult). I insult people all the time withhout a clear picture of what exactly offended them.
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Old May 10th, 2006, 04:25 AM
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Default Re: OT: %$#@&%$#$ing Legal System !!!!

One solid point here, in my defense, is that it is legal to use force (read: personal use of violence) to resist forcible entry and/or assault in the state of California. Just so long as I didn't maim/kill him, anyway.

Which, despite great personal temptation and years of useful Marine training, I didn't.

Translation: If you kick in somebody's door in the state of CA, and they kick your a$$ because of it, you really have no recourse except arrest or flight from harm.

What irks me the most is not the personal risks involved, either physical or legal, but the stupid and pointless delays and postponements. California legislators talk about the bogged down legal system and the overburdened courts, but then allow such wastes of time, effort, and monies as this to be commonplace. It would seem to me that if you have a clear-cut case with solid evidence, and it doesn't involve a capital crime, prosecute the damned thing and be done with it.

But, to do so would actually make the lawyers and judiciaries EARN their pay by doing their jobs in a timely and efficient manner, instead of playing word games to drag it all out and collect their cash the easy way. They drag this stuff out so much that they often don't really have to do much of anything anyway, because the majority of cases plea out after innumerable delays and postponements, anyway.

Why bother doing your job when all you have to do is drag your feet until somebody else deals with it for you ???
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Old May 10th, 2006, 07:56 AM
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Default Re: OT: %$#@&%$#$ing Legal System !!!!

You americans have it easy... you must see the brazilian legal system.... it�s a nightmare.....

A case like yours would take around 4 to 5 years to be resolved in Brazil... and at the end he would probably serve his sentence in liberty... only with some restrictions (be at home from 10pm to 06am, don�t leave the town without authorization from the judge, don�t freq�ent bars and the like)...

But let me ask something: you are only persecuting him in the criminal law? In your case i would persecute him with a civil lawsuit too, asking an indenization in your own name and in the name of your kids (you ex could sue too)...

Just my two cents... (or centavos here in Brazil)
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Old May 10th, 2006, 03:19 PM
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Default Re: OT: %$#@&%$#$ing Legal System !!!!

&%$#@&(%#$(@%$)&$@#&?&%$#@ !!!

Well, it's finally over !!!

But, in typical fashion not without the usual total waste of time, energy, and resources !!!

After 26 months and 11 lost days of work, the rat bastard pleaded out and got only 9 years in prison (He was facing 72 years, with all the charges racked up against him), with the wasted past 26 months of time in jail, playing a delaying game, counting towards that. With good behaviour cuts it looks like now he'll only actually have to do 3 years.

And to top it all off, I live in a different town than where he was being tried, and after taking a day off from work and driving the 46 miles to the courthouse to testify I end up sitting around in the courtroom waiting for two & a half hours when the DA involved in this finally comes over and tells me that the puke pleaded out the night before, and that - "OOPS !" - he hadn't gotten around to telling me sooner. That I didn't need to come there at all and that I was free to go anytime I wanted to now.

Ever feel like choking the life out of an officer of the courts???
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Old May 10th, 2006, 03:35 PM
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Default Re: OT: %$#@&%$#$ing Legal System !!!!

Damn, that really sucks. Cost you a lot of time, effort and money to get there. If I were you I would have said that to him. It wouldn't do anything, but it would have confronted him with his careless mistake... and relieved you of some bad feelings.
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Old May 10th, 2006, 04:12 PM
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Default Re: OT: %$#@&%$#$ing Legal System !!!!

I actually thought about it, and then decided I was just ticked enough I'd probably end up in jail myself.....
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Old May 10th, 2006, 06:24 PM
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Default Re: OT: %$#@&%$#$ing Legal System !!!!

Yeah, that's horrid.

The legal system needs a complete overhaul.
If I only could remember half the things I'd forgot, that would be a lot of stuff, I think - I don't know; I forgot!
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