couple of questions for you
1. Why is it that whenever my race A.I gains a tech though intellegence, it is always one that i have just researched within 1-3 turns previously.
2. Can or do the races adjust their ordinance according to who they are at war with, i mean if they are at war with 1 race.
3. Perhaps i missed it in the new patch report, but a bug i found and posted off to Aaron sometime ago was to do with 'create star'. I'll try to elaborate on that waffle (hehe). I had built a few ringworlds but my A.I controlled 'create star' ship refused to move away from one of them but kept on displaying 'Cannot create a star when there is a construction around it'. Perhaps it may turn up in the next patch or mayby not, anyone else encountered this one?
ever started at the bottom of life's ladder, climb to the top only to find your leaning against the wrong wall