Operation Slick Weasel
Operation Slick Weasel is a sneaky bastard maneuver that will allow you to gain technology for a fraction of the cost of researching for yourself. In addition, it will cost you next to nothing, and allow you to gain valuable technology within 5 to 10 turns. This is how OSW works.
1. Set up the AI bonus to LOW.
2. You must establish a PARTNERSHIP with the target race.
3. You must then design the most worthless low-cost POS ship you can.
4. You must mass-produce these POS.
5. You must then offer to trade 5 or more POS for a single TOP of the line AI ship.
6. If the AI accepts, and it usually does, send the ship to one of your shipyards.
7. Analyze it.
8. WELLA! You just gained tech.
Be sure to research something like Planetary Utilization and Applied Intel while spending your time negotiating with the AI.
When I tested out OSW, first known as Operation Sneaky Bastard -or- OSB, I only researched applied Intel, energy weapons and Temporal Technology. By turn 60, I had two Partnerships, one with the Ferengi, and the other with the Narn. I traded them each 10 ships for one each of theirs. It took me 6 turns to get each ship to a shipyard. It only took me 10 turns to make the POS ships to trade with. Total, 16 turns to gain Quantum Reactor, Quantum Engines, Wavemotion gun, Ship class through Battleship, shield V, Computer combat, and armor.
All in all, OSW and OSB worked well. Best of luck to you.
"We've made too many compromises already, too many retreats! They invade our space and we fall back -- they assimilate entire worlds and we fall back! Not again! The line must be drawn here -- this far, no further! And I will make them pay for what they've done!" -- Patric Stewart as Captain Picard
UCP/TCO Ship Yards