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Old December 9th, 2005, 02:10 PM

WBWilder WBWilder is offline
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Automatic Installer

Zip File


October 14-20th, 1962

Game Version: WinSPMBT 2.0+
Format: Fixed Core Campaign
Turns: 8-15 per scenario

Player: United States Marine Corps
Command Size: Company
Length: 5 Scenario maximum

Campaign Concept and Design: Wild Bill Wilder

Testers: Tom DeShelter, Fabio "Tiger" Prado, Sgt Walrus, Andrew "Weeble" Weaver, Massimo "Mad Italian" Rocca.

My special thanks to these gaming heroes who put in many hours of testing and suggestions for improvement. This effort would be nothing without them.

Let me add a special note of thanks to Fabio Prado for preparing the installer program for this campaign.

Some Hypothetical History:

This campaign mixes fact with hypothesis. It did not happen but could have. To better understand the campaign, I strongly recommend that you read the following.

Four months after the "Bay of Pigs" fiasco, the United States finds itself being slowly pressured by the Soviet Union. The earlier vacillation has given Premier Khrushchev and the Politburo excessive boldness.

There are strong indications of large numbers of Soviet troops and equipment coming to the island daily. There is also suspicion that intermediate ballistic missiles might be located there. The number of U-2 spy plane flights is increased to verify this possibility.

To add to the tension, the Communist regime has become bolder in its confrontational attitude in other places. In Europe, Soviet Forces are currently massing on both sides of West Berlin in what maybe a new blockade. West Berlin is about to become an island of freedom in a Communist sea.

Kennedy has tried to reason with the Soviet Premier but in vain. He is determined not to be cowered into a submissive state by Soviet intimidation. He resolutely decides that the Communist regime in Cuba is too great a threat to the United States. There is no time to wait for confirmation as to the presence of missiles.

United States Marines and the 82nd Airborne prepare to invade Cuba in what is termed "Operation Independence.' The Marines form "Task Force Freedom." The 82nd carries the name "Task Force Liberty."

Just how far will either nation go? That is not yet known but many in authority in the USA fear the worst. No matter! The invasion will take place and Castro will be ousted from power.

The decision has been made. It is only moments until "Operation independence" begins!


Tenshun! Before beginning this campaign be sure you have read the doc or test file that comes with this zip file which gives the background for this campaign. This is very important to understanding what lies ahead for you.

Your core force is provided for you. It is a Marine Infantry Company. Your unit is part of "Task Force Freedom." As the campaign develops, so will your men. You will be given points to secure whatever assets you will need.

When you begin this campaign, your first scenario is not one of battle, but of choice. You are to decide which of the two campaigns you wished to play. The first is "Slugging it Out," where more conventional battles will occur.

The Second campaign, "Special Ops," offers some unusual situations beyond the scope of normal warfare.

Hopefully you'll play both of them. Once you have finished one series, you can restart the campaign and play the other without repeating any battles.

The entire Wild Team is delighted to present you with this adventure in the Caribbean. Good hunting!

Wild Bill Wilder
Independent Game Consultant
Scenario Designer
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Old December 14th, 2005, 01:05 PM
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Goblin_ Goblin_ is offline
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Heya WB!

I'm currently trying the assault scenario. Whenever I move an LCVP into hex 15,8 the game freezes. Nada, nothing, zippo will unfreeze it. Dunno if its just me or a glitch, but I thought you should know.

This looks like a great campaign! Excellent idea with the ability to choose a path, and replay the campaign again on the other path. My compliments to you and your team!

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Old December 15th, 2005, 02:39 AM

WBWilder WBWilder is offline
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I'll check it right now, Goblin, and get back to you. Gosh, I tested it a dozen times and I know the testers all played through it at least twice.

Be right back...

Oh, and thank you. Yes, you will enjoy it.


Wild Bill Wilder
Independent Game Consultant
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Old December 15th, 2005, 02:52 AM

WBWilder WBWilder is offline
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Well, I started the campaign set up the LCVP and moved it right into 15.8 with no problem. See the attached graphic.

At the top it says 16.8, which is where I have the cursor arrow, but the LCVP is in 15.8, adjacent to it. The game continued with no freeze at all.

If you wish, I'll send you a copy of that dat file and you can try again. Just insert it into the campaigns folder. Let me know if you want it.

Did you try moving it somewhere else? Did the same thing happen?


Wild Bill Wilder
Independent Game Consultant
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Old December 16th, 2005, 03:05 AM
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Goblin_ Goblin_ is offline
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It happened in one other hex also. But nowhere else. I would like the dat file, that would be great! I've smashed my way ashore and slightly inland, but it was a little too easy. Now I am freaking worried, and digging in!

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Old December 16th, 2005, 05:15 AM

MacGalin MacGalin is offline
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Well, i just finished "Slugging it out" campagin. I haven't encountered any technical problems. Fights were hard, but my marines supported by "Zippo" flame tanks and AT jeeps managed to wipe out these pesky communists . Good advice -purchase some 106 mm RCL jeeps for the last battle .

I haven't used too much artillery - i relied on direct fire from suppoting tanks. Supresing the enemy infantry with heavy fire, then driving a Zippo close, and torching the enemy out - it worked great for me. I only used mortars for laying smoke.

I had some problems with enemy tanks - my M-48 were destroyed by almost every hit from T-54 . But T-54s were easily destroyed by my 106mm RCLs, so i don't complain .
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Old December 17th, 2005, 01:51 PM

WBWilder WBWilder is offline
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I'll send it today, Gob! Look for it in an e-mail coming directly to you. Yes, the Cubans feel invaded (and they are) and they don't like "Gringos" in their back yard!

Wild Bill Wilder
Independent Game Consultant
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Old December 17th, 2005, 01:53 PM

WBWilder WBWilder is offline
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Excellent Mac! You are the first one I've heard from as to results. I assume from your report you did well. Congratulations!

I never counted on artillery too much in this series either. Your Marine grunts are the guys to get the job done.

Did you have survivors in your original company? They get pretty tough by the last fight. Did you pick the last battle as a big one or the smaller, "The Hunt?"

I appreciate the update.


Wild Bill Wilder
Independent Game Consultant
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Old December 18th, 2005, 01:09 AM
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Goblin_ Goblin_ is offline
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I just finished the Slugging end of the campaign! My HQ unit got Castro! I mean he actually got wiped Castro and his boys out. I didn't get the Russian advisors though. =[

A Marginal Victory overall, and one hell of alot of fun! I'm gonna try the special ops end now. My thanks to WB and his team for this!

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Old December 18th, 2005, 01:41 PM

MacGalin MacGalin is offline
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I got two decisive victories and two marginal. Marginals were first and third battle - in the third battle i was suprised by enemy T-54s - those damned things were more than a match for my M-48s.

In last battle Castro was torched by my engineers - serves him good . Enemy tank reinforcements came too late - T-10 appeared between my infantry and AT Jeeps, they did little damage, and were quickly destroyed. As for T-54s, some of them them stumbled right in front of my two M-103s - you can guess the results . Anyway i lost two Zippos, two M-48s and a single M-103. 5 other tanks were "mission killed" -immobilized or lost main gun. Anyway, the last batlle was tough .
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is undistinguishable from magic." - Arthur C. Clarke
"Any technology, no matter how primitive, is magic to those who don't understand it." - Florence Ambrose
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