Was messing around this weekend looking at all the goodies and putting together a Cav Troop. Noticed that there are no GSR sections. Not positive if they are still used, but they certainly used to be.
Usually a team of 2 - 3 guys with a man-pack radar that sits on a tripod and reaches out 8 - 10 kms for moving vehicles.
With all the obscure acronyms in the OOBs I thought it was just me that didn't know them. Good to know there are others puzzled over some of them too
There is one US vehicle in the OOB with a GSR mounted, but that is all.
It is up to the OOB designer whether he has FOO vehicles or leg OPs with GSR. And after 1980 or so, then you will see FOO units with TI as well, which in game terms are much the same thing. Vision>=40 is "thermal" and can see through smoke.
I'm new to this so I hope I am value adding something...GSR is on it's way out. All the 96Rs (enlisted MOS who operated the GSR) are being reclassified into other MOSs. The Prophet system will some day replace the GSR - just don't hold your breath!