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Old July 20th, 2005, 06:58 PM
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Default Rate of Fire

I was playing a game against german army in 2005 and a Milan III fired at my BMP's 4 times in a turn!!! After the battle, I have seen it has a 77 experience and should never have fired so much... Is it a bug or a consequence of some unknown rule?
"On 17 January, I started with 39 tanks. After 38 days of aerial attacks, I had 32, but in less than 20 minutes with the M1A1,1 had zero." an Iraqi
battalion commander, after being captured by the 2nd Armored Cav Regiment, speeking to Col Don Holder.
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Old July 20th, 2005, 10:27 PM
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Default Re: Rate of Fire

loktarr said:
I was playing a game against german army in 2005 and a Milan III fired at my BMP's 4 times in a turn!!! After the battle, I have seen it has a 77 experience and should never have fired so much... Is it a bug or a consequence of some unknown rule?
Reaction fires?.

There is always a low (and reducing) randomised chance based on experience and morale and current supression for things to be able to reaction fire even when shots are technically down to 0, and that has been there 3+ years at least.

This stopped the old SP cheat of drawing off the fire of a unit (like a tiger) and then leisurely running up to it unmolested and blasting it at 1 hex. Now, you cannot guarantee that something will never ever shoot back (but supressing it to pinned or worse will help a lot!).

So - you can shoot your units dry in your turn - they may generate a few rreaction shots, but it is much safer to leave overwatch units with some "real" shots remaining.

My bet is that it was reaction fire from an experienced reasonable morale unit, with no or very little supression, which happened to roll lucky dice rolls 2 or 3 times (stationary missiles can sometimes get 2 initial shots) in a row.

OR - there were 2 launchers in the same or very close hexes (you may only have seen one in the end game map - but you could have killed one meanwhile with arty say? - did you check the force list for any compatriots running off map or destroyed?)

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Old July 21st, 2005, 03:08 AM
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Default Re: Rate of Fire


The rate of fire of Milan III is 4.

To be honest, I ve never experienced a milan3 (with average -not even high- experience) firing 4 missile shots during reaction phase but,
I run a series of tests and almost always an ATGM (milan3) unit will fire 2 opportunity shots with the primary weapon(to be more accurate an average section of 3milan III will fire 5 reaction missile launches).
Then if the unit will get an additional reaction fire it will consist of small fire shots.
For me the most possible scenario was that 2 units of Milan3 were either together or close enough to give you the impression that it was the same unit.
Another possibility would be that the first 2 BMPs were destroyed by the primary weapon and the other two by point blank shots (range 1).

Anyway, don't really worry about this... probably you won't see this again in a generated battle.

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Old July 21st, 2005, 04:59 AM
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Default Re: Rate of Fire

It could be the fact that there where two launcher in very closes hexes, because it wasn't reaction fire (sorry, I have forgoten to write this), because there was another Milan III, but I supressed him and he did retreat later (and go off-map) and he has fired one of his 4 HEAT ammos, maybe at that time...
Thank you for your explanations.
"On 17 January, I started with 39 tanks. After 38 days of aerial attacks, I had 32, but in less than 20 minutes with the M1A1,1 had zero." an Iraqi
battalion commander, after being captured by the 2nd Armored Cav Regiment, speeking to Col Don Holder.
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