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Old July 6th, 2005, 05:34 PM

Warhero Warhero is offline
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Default Kuwait August 1990 campaign/scen, anyone?

Has anyone ever seen any scen/campaign made about Kuwait's resistance in August, 1990? Even thought about making scen/campaign about 35th Brigade's operations?

"Despite severe odds, Kuwait is fought back with great will and determination. The most notable encounter was that of the 35th Brigade, which is now known as the Martyrs' Brigade. The Kuwaiti Resistance too played a heroic role: at the risk of execution and torture, they continued to shield foreigners and maintain contact with the outside world."

I found this from some site but not "deeper" info about battles of 35th Brigade...

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Old July 6th, 2005, 06:42 PM

AB AB is offline
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Default Re: Kuwait August 1990 campaign/scen, anyone?

hmm, not to disparage any individual Kuwaities who did defend thier country with great determination, but didn't the Kuwaiti army basicaly fold with hours without putting up a fight at all? It seems that if they did put up a fight, they could have held Kuwaiti City for a few days. Kuwait did have warning that the Iraqis were massing on their border, so they can't claim to have been taken by surprise.

Perhaps a campaign to liberate Kuwaiti, by Kuwaiti expats. The first battle could be escaping from an Iraqi onslaught.

Of course, i could be dead wrong about the 35th, and it could be a fun campaign realistic or not.
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Old July 6th, 2005, 09:06 PM

WestKent5097 WestKent5097 is offline
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Default Re: Kuwait August 1990 campaign/scen, anyone?

Funny you should mention this.
I'm actually in the early stages of making a scenario on the 35th's defence of the Jahra Bridge when they took on around 3 brigades of the Republican Guard who decided to advance in march column on the Kuwait ring-road, allowing the 35th to give the Iraqis a very bloody nose before retreating in the face of the inevitable response.
The Kuwaitis of the 35th seem to have performed quite well considering many of them sub units happened to be on detached duty protecting oil sites or coastal islands when the order to deploy was received. As a result they were fairly understrength and also had limited ammo.
Having completed this scenario I was thinking about moving on to the reconquest and reflecting after their refit in Saudi Arabi, possibly tying it all in to a campaign.
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Old July 30th, 2005, 05:05 AM

SHortreengage SHortreengage is offline
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Default Re: Kuwait August 1990 campaign/scen, anyone?

1) There was a player designed "Battle of the Bridges" for the original MBT @ the Wargamer scenario depot IIRC.

2) I have the OOB By Company for the 35th @ The bridges.

3) I had also thought of a "Peninsular Shield" campaign/tourney, but from the RG point of view. First the Gulf States/Saudi OOB must be fixed. Especially the SANG
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