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Old July 3rd, 2005, 06:47 PM
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Default 100mm D10T 55 cannon sound file

Ive heard this in a few scenerios now,the 100mm D10T 55 cannon mounted on T-54's and T-55's sounds like a gunshot rather than a cannon shot. [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/icon13.gif[/img]
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Old July 3rd, 2005, 08:04 PM
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Default Re: 100mm D10T 55 cannon sound file

Skirmisher said:
Ive heard this in a few scenerios now,the 100mm D10T 55 cannon mounted on T-54's and T-55's sounds like a gunshot rather than a cannon shot. [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/icon13.gif[/img]

It sounds fine to me.
If you want to hear what a real tank cannon sounds like look in the main SPMBT forum for the thread "Sound File Mis-Match " and listen to the attachment in the last post of a Challenger 2 firing it's main 120mm gun. It won't be what you expect. Imagine the complaints if we used the real sound
( the fast way is to enter - Challenger - in the main forum search and it will bring you right to it )


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Old July 3rd, 2005, 08:49 PM
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Default Re: 100mm D10T 55 cannon sound file

I just thought it sounded rather thin thats all,as compared to other cannons.
If you say its the correct sound ,thats good enough for me.
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Old July 4th, 2005, 05:42 AM
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Default Re: 100mm D10T 55 cannon sound file

To capture the "real" sound of such a big gun is technically rather difficult.

That "Challenger Sound" is most likely the (poor) result of capturing with a microphone specially tailored for speech, which filters out low sounds (rumbling from wind etc). Most likely there's high-pass filtering at work as well (to get rid of feedbacks, hissing etc.)
And the inevitable limiter (preventing overmodulation) will have low-pass filter effect,too.

Therefore we hear the gun like we would through a telephone ...

Good sounds should be recorded from 50..100m away (you are not (virtually) standing right next to your units in SP), using full-range (recording studio quality) condser micros and DAT equipment.

Any volunteers, to get that together and make some recording sessions at shooting ranges?

As for AI the most effective work around to this problem so far is to simply use an American instead, they tend to put up a bit more of a fight than your average Artificial Idiot.
... James McGuigan on rec.games.computer.stars somewhen back in 1998 ...
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