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Old June 26th, 2005, 03:06 PM

narwan narwan is offline
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Default obat06: France

This thread is for information concerning the french OB.

The 'canon 90mmF1' comes with sabot rounds on one version of the AMX-13/90 but has an APCR penetration value of 0.

Both the '20mmMle 693' and the '25mmMle 811' have the same penetration and range values for both the AP and sabot rounds for these weapons (5 for the 639 and 8 for the 811). Certain vehicles armed with either of these guns come with both types of ammo (e.g. AMX-10P, VBCI). Although it may not actually be an error it seems strange to equip a unit with (more expensive) sabot rounds if they offer no benefit over regular AP rounds so I suspect there might be an error here. Right now I have no info on specific penetration abilities on the two types of ammo; perhaps someone out there does?

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Old June 26th, 2005, 03:11 PM
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Default Re: obat06: France

Maybe that is a way to balance fairly between primary and secondary weapon.
If your weapon is in any slot other than the first, it will have only HE or AP, and no sabot.
So for A/Cs, particularly 20mm Mod693, which is coax on the AMX30, you will want to keepp the same sabot ammo as if it was in the first slot.
Being coax is no reason for having degraded ammo!
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Old June 26th, 2005, 03:24 PM

narwan narwan is offline
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Default Re: obat06: France

Sure, but you can make a 'separate' weapon for it to distinguish between primairy and secondairy weapon slots. For the units where it is a primairy weapon (like the two types I mentioned) you can have the actual differentiated values. If there is a difference in actual performance that is.

I had thought about including a question in my first post on how the game distinguishes between AP and sabot for the AMX30 (in other words, is the value used there the right one for for AP penetration or for sabot penetration?).
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Old June 26th, 2005, 03:34 PM
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Default Re: obat06: France

Erm, sorry to tell you, but there are.

Nevertheless, both weapons (one for secondary and one for primary) have the very same ratings, including same AP and sabot PEN and range.
Which is quite annoying I grant you.

But behold, what ammo do you pout into your coax 20mm? If you have BOTH AP and APDS handy; and can fit only one? Maybe that's why there are similar capacities for both.

No, wait, the AP vs Sabot rating changes in the AMX10P with the time.
So I guess it was meant to improve something.

Maybe APCR rounds are hard-coded to give better results but I doubt it, since it can also represent weaker AP round.

To put it shortly, dunno
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Old June 26th, 2005, 05:52 PM

narwan narwan is offline
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Default Re: obat06: France

Don't be sorry, I already assumed there was a difference!

For the coax weapon it's indeed tricky to decide what value to use if the unit was equiped with both AP and sabot. But for primairy weapons there shouldn't be a problem to differentiate.

Let's see if anyone can come up with some penetration specs for the two ammo types (for both the 693 and 811).

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Old June 26th, 2005, 06:09 PM
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Default Re: obat06: France

(Nearly) got it!

Got some tech spefs for latest tungsten-core AP-T 20mm ammo for 20*102mm gun M621, while the M693 uses 20*139mm cartridge!

However, this 20*139 cartridge is also used by Rheinmetall's Rh-202, in the US M-139 and Oerlikon's KAD/HS830, which you can all find in the oobs. I guess the pen. specs should be nearly the same. Barrel length shouldn't vary wildly, and I'd the ammo is NATO standard!

So maybe this can elp. And I'll try to extract some more info from there:

Cheers, and good hunt!

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