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Old June 23rd, 2005, 08:59 AM

hitbell hitbell is offline
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Default Is it a bug in ATF v1.05?

I found something very strange When I was playing the ATF 1.05v,Death Valley Attack, Today.I do not know whether it is a bug as I am a new player.Now I describe it below:
(1)when I gave C/2-8CAV Company an attack by fire mission,it moved to the ABF position.When it reached the minefield it turn right and bypassing obstacle.After it had bypassed the minefield,it gone on.Normally it should be moving straight to the ABF position,but in this moment it turned right again and seemed to bypassing something,and this process repeated ,the waypoint look like Z then it climb up to the mountain on its right hand.It would not stop until it was boxed up by the mountain crest.
(2)When the leader of the company was destroyed,another strange thing happened.The hierarchy disappeared yet the flag marked C still moving around the battlefield 4 or 5 miles away!
(3)Sometimes a message appeared telling me that the mission had been completed.Yet the company C/CAV had never arrived the ABF position.
The three cases that I meet confuse me.Still I love this game very much so I hope somebody can give me an reply about what happened to me.I can send some screen shots whoever request.
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Old June 23rd, 2005, 01:02 PM
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Patrick Proctor Patrick Proctor is offline
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Default Re: Is it a bug in ATF v1.05?

First of all, I'm sorry to hear you are having problems.

The leader dying making the flag disappear is by design. If the leader dies, you lose control of the unit, until you give it a new commander. You can do that by openning the Hierarchy Tree window and dragging a new leader (a platoon leader or company commander) into the leaderless formation.

You are probably getting the "Mission complete" message because the unit is aborting the order due to losses. If a unit drops below a certain strength, it will abort execution of its given mission. You can adjust this level by changing it in the property sheets that appear when you assign the mission.

As for the path finding problem, I would suspect that it hit another obstacle and attempted to "re-bypass". But to be sure, I would have to see a saved game. If you send a save game to:

[email protected]

I will check it out. Again, sorry for the problems.
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Old June 24th, 2005, 03:31 AM

hitbell hitbell is offline
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Default Re: Is it a bug in ATF v1.05?

I have send the save game files to you address.
About the (3)Q,I had even set the abort movment percentage to 5%,but it still abort the mission as soon as I start the clock.
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