I have 1.30 and the modpack 1.6 (the latest one from Mephisto etc.). I have my settings set to 5000 racial points.
I like to tweak the races I compete against. I load them, then change them a bit, and then save them back onto their original slot. Does this damage the AI routines the modders have programmed in?
For example, the XiChung have both a 5000 point setting and an "expert" setting... I had loaded the expert setting, then tweaked a little, then resaved it over the old entry. Is this okay or have I hurt the programming you did for their race?
I have done this with just about every race (modpack and old races) so if it does hurt them I should probably re-install and start over.
Thanks for your help, and if I didn't explain it well enough please let me know.