The 'Shepherds of Creation' scenario is now ready.
Game Concept:
Seven players.
One strong AI.
First player to conquer the AI home will win.
Baphomet is a mighty pretender run by the AI. His home is at the center of the world. The first shepherd to conquer the throne of the world wins the scenario.
The rich lands in the center of the world is owned by Baphomet. The lands close to the Rim of Darkness (the lands where the divine light of Baphomet has not fallen ) are poor but richer in magical resources.
Cooperation might be necessary to survive, but a quick grab of another shepherd's lands might also give a player power enough to strike sucessfully at Baphomet.
Mythic Concept:
A demiurge and false god named Baphomet believes he has created the world. Baphomet creates seven shepherds of creation to govern and guide the seven reaches of his lands. Baphomet creates mankind and humanity begins to worship him. Baphomet is filled with pride and he ignores his other servants.
The seven demigods were given divine spirit. The shepherds uses their given divinity to create intelligent life like Baphomet did. Thier creations start to worship them as lords.
Baphomet discovers the apostacy and decides to punish the shepherds. From his throne of power he summons three angels to lead his human armies against the apostatic shepherds.
The Shepherds realize that if one of them would conquer the throne of the world Baphomet would loose his powers and the world would se a new lord.
All games are setup by me. Gods are predesigned and I will give each player his password. The map file will not be released (not for a while) to give all players the same starting opportunities.
I intended to keep a server running for all games, but I'm not sure how many that means. If a group of players can keep their own server I will gladly send over fatherland files etc once the game begins.
I had intended to setup games as 48h quickhost games (no longer than 48h between turns, but faster if everyone is ready). Hmm, perhaps I should give you choices.
I wouldn't mind some AAR/trash talk threads regarding the scenario. I suspect that AAR writers will take longer turns making these games less of spoilers than they might appear at first glance. Perhaps a special AAR game with even longer hosting interval.
How to sign up!
If you and your six friends has decided that you want to start a shepherd scenario, just send me a mail with the names and adresses of all participants. I will setup a game and send each player a turn file and a password. If you want to host the game by yourselves tell me where to send the fatherland.
If you want to join a game hosted by me look in this thread at available games and make a post claiming a place as a given god. First claimant gets it. I will edit this post when new games are open and new players have signed up.
Shepherds Game 1
48h quickhost
Nergal - Soapyfrog
Ningil - Jurri
Euryale - quantum_mechanic
J�rnsaxa - saber cherry
B�lthorn - Mark the Merciful
Rudra - alexti
Nereus - Graeme
Game Status:
Personal messages with necessary details has been sent.
Shepherds Game 2
48h quickhost
difficult research - probably makes Baphomet more powerful. Cooperation more important.
Nergal - legacyspy
Ningil - quantum_mechani
Euryale - jeffr
J�rnsaxa - The_tauren13
B�lthorn - Arralen
Rudra - iazygos
Nereus - WyattHerbert
Game Status:
Personal messages with necessary details has been sent.
Shepherds Game 3
48h quickhost
Nergal - JepSan
Ningil - jarkko
Euryale - Sedna
J�rnsaxa - Yvelina
B�lthorn - EternalSpearman
Rudra - Terkel
Nereus - josh_f
Game Status:
Personal messages with necessary details has been sent.
Three games and two private ones are now running. Illwinter will not host new ones for a while, but if you can host games by yourself I'll gladly start up a game and send it to the host and passwords to the players.
When the current games are coming to an end We'll start up a couple of new ones if there is interest.
Questions are welcome. I have probably missed something.
After a game is filled up it might take a day or two before the game starts. It is nothing to worry about, just me teaching kids about religion or something else.