Okay this is sprung up from the Why Aliens don't come here thread, it's always been an interesting topic to me.
Anyway the topic is obvious and the questions that follow are should allow you to give a pretty good opinion
What are your views on a Unified World Government?
What would be required to create it?
What would be the benefits?
What are the cons?
Which nations do you think should be dominant in it's creation?
(Add your own statements as you'd like please as long as it's not lame *** stuff like get rid off all the lawyers or something.)
Anyway if you want a good summery of how I see a Unified World government and it's most proboble temperment towards others look at my Icarans. I think it would be absolutely hostile towards non "party line" Groups and would most likely absorb any national cultures it encountered.
I beleive that it would probobly take either a global crisis or global war to unify the nations of the world into a single government and even then I think it would probobly just end up being a more stabilized UN.
The benefits of a global government would be obvious in that a single world economy would probobly allow countries to bring their populations out of homeless states because former country A could be turned into an industrial complex and the uneducated people could find jobs there, while Country B could be turned into a tech producing country where the highly educated folks could find jobs and produce technology for those of country A while the folks in country A produce the machinery for the folks in B.
Other benefits would be a singular scientific nation instead of the dozens of "secret" projects where countries refuse to share their technologies with one another.
The Cons are quite obvious as well, the folks in the more educated regions of the world would begin to see themselves as superior to the uneducated and class systems would probobly fall into place whether intentional or not.
A global economy is dangerious in that if it crashes THE WHOLE WORLD CRASHES with it.
As to which nations would probobly take the lead in the formation of such a government:
USA (not saying we are evil so don't go there, it's just as an economic powerhouse and military power it would be logical)
China (they'd have the manpower to pull off resource allocation if a unified world government did take over)
European Union (the whole dang thing is probobly the first step toward world government anyway
Possibly some of the middle eastern states (though I doubt it as they are pretty hostile as a whole)
So anyway what's your opinion?