No, that's not possible in SE4... though you could always set up SectTypes.txt so that, say, all Rock planets are Oxygen, all Ice planets are Methane, and all Gas planets are Hydrogen, and rename the colony techs appropriately, but I doubt that's what you're looking for
In SE5, though, the planet types and atmospheres will be moddable, so you could theoretically change the game from 5 atmospheres and 3 types to 1 dummy "atmosphere" and 5 "types" which have the names of the old atmospheres (or 6 if you're thinking of SE3)...
Or you could even set something up like Stars! with the gravity/temperature/radiation, but that would involve tech gridding... basically you'd have to have, say, 3 levels of each attribute, and a planet type for each combination of those attributes (27 total planet types), and to colonize Earth you'd have to research Medium Gravity Colonization, Medium Temperature Colonization, and Low Radiation Colonization...
But sadly none of this is possible in SE4, so I'm afraid you'll have to wait for SE5 to be able to do this...