Call me Dr. Atrocities.
I have never to my recollection, ever finsihed a game of SEIV that I have started out side of PBW or PBEM. Normally I play to around 400 turns before calling it a game, or moving onto other things.
The highest game I had was an old 1.49 game that I started shortly after the 1.49 patch came out. That game was up wards of nearly 4,000 turns when that computer up and died on me.
I still remember most of my SP and PBW games, or minute parts of them, and even now, after four years of playing SEIV, occasional and regual bouts of boardom aside, I still come bakc to this day on a daily basis.
No other game, not even Tribes, has ever captivated my interest so completely for so long. I have in fact been playing SEIV for so long now, I can actaully say that I have a Doctraits in game play. (If not for spelling for something then.)
I have offically worn out at least three mouses as a direct result of this game, and I do recall that being listed as a sign that your are addicted to the game.
Jokes aside, we all know how addictive this game is, and I we all have been aflicted with the "one more turn" syndrom at least twice in our gaming career.
No I put to you this simple question, should Space Empires be listed as an addictive product? And if yes, then by default shouldn't SE V also be listed? If you agree that SEIV is an addictive product then shouldn't it have come with a warning label?
The reason I ask is because with all the trial lawyers suing just about any manufacture or company that makes products from hamburgers to seat covers, I want in on the action.
No seriously, that was just a joke, an old one to be sure, but still it does go to the heart of this phenomenon (sp) that seems to keep me, and many of you, coming back for more of the same.
All in all I really only believe there are about 300 people who play Space Empires, of that 300, only about 60 that are hard core die hards. Of that 60, only about 40 of them post here with any frequence.
Creator of the Star Trek Mod - AST Mod - 78 Ship Sets - Conquest Mod - Atrocities Star Wars Mod - Galaxy Reborn Mod - and Subterfuge Mod.