Many thanks for Illwinter about the game, the updates we have gotten and the wishes that have been implemented, including modding commands and fast forward in battles.
This is compilation of some wishlists that have been flowing around. Many date back to February, and I don't think many of these are newer than three months... I don't think this should be made sticky, as a sticky should have only one post and would have to be updated regularly.
Suggestions that weren't on the original list in February... Some are mine, most from various threads:
* key shortcuts for 'Fire', 'c'losest, 'a'rchers etc.
* showing upkeep/ recruitement price in the unit info screen
* page that shows upkeep of all units, divided by type (ie. X archers -> Y gp)
* symbol showing that a commander cannot have any more troops (differently colored swrods?)
* when choosing the commander to give an item to, grey out those that cannot use it (no appopriate slots free)
* giving commands for fufure turns, for moving armies and maybe some other things too
* tactical command: retreat if outnumbered x-to-1
* blood slave frequency changeable or linked to magic site frequency
* make AI do your turn
* turn counter visible in battles
* ambush for stealth armies: attacking from the side of the enemy armies instead of front
* forge monthly item-command
* ability to choose target province (for spells) by number
* Dispel shouldn't be unique for Astral
* [Shark Sandwich]'d really like to see a better text message interface that would include:
__1) The ability to review previously sent and received Messages.
__2) The ability to move the cursor around in the message to edit it.
__3) Copy, paste, etc. functions
__4) The ability to send the same message to a selected recipient list.
__5) The ability to have the message up and have it be transparent so names of nations could be seen.
Currently it's a bit of a pain to send a message to another player about a group of certain territories. I have to write down the names and then switch to the text interface type them into the message. It would be nice if I could alternate between map view and text message or see them both at the same time so I could reference the map while I am typing.
TinkThank, I think:
* "Goto Commander" works for reports on finding sneaking commanders and assasins
* Interface: f5-Research lets you define research numbers per number pad (instead of +/- clicking)
* Interface: Merc Bids definable per number pad instead of +/- clicking
* Tactical AI: Communion Master only if Communion Slave not self available
* from the "View Commander" (Inventory) screen, link to battle orders
* ability to find cursed/ starving/ horrormarked etc. easily
* graphs showing (gem) income from events, items etc.
* unrest increased for independant that fled succesfylly, number dependant from gold/resource cost of the unit that retreated
* ability to choose mutliple provinces for battle commands screen for greater accuracy in dual-attacks
* ability to see what battle screen would look like in the beginning of a fight with your troops in it
* ability to protect blood slaves from heat of the abysian warlock leading them
-new item giving the salves lead by the wielder have all the resistances that the wielder has
* symbols for more abilities, like spy, sailing, ability to heal...
* map overlays for magic sites, sitesearches, pd,
* possibility to restart turn from cratch and/or from the situation you started from, preferably near the exit with/without saving options
* ability to choose things in main menu by letters (create 'G'od, 'C'reate game, 'P'lay...), and in host/exit screen too
* being able to Create god, game and go to play it without going back to the main menu in between
StPatrik's compiling of wishes:
Interface Changes
* Message when a mage forges an item
* 'Lab' filter for main map (like fortress and temple)
* Darker colours/textures in unit displays [to make sprites easier to see/look better]
* Alignment of stats in unit info screens [i.e. in a column]
* Bless effects displayed when creating a pretender's magic
* Actual effects of scales explained when creating a pretender's scales
* Line between commanders and regular units in recruitment screen
* Titles in recruitment screen for unit section and commander section
* Able to quit battles using ESC
* When selecting commander from F1 screen, have the commander be highlighted when it jumps to him
* X axis labeled in score overview graph
* Message in top left when Commander is killed in battle
* Show undead and magic leadership in unit info screen (e.g. 25/0/10)
* Link from nation overview (F1) to recruitment screen in each province
* Show resource usage in nation overview [so that you can see at a glance which provinces aren't being used to their full potential]
* Warning colours in nation overview (e.g. red for supply usage when higher than supply availability, etc.)
* Research estimate in recruit screen should reflect research with current drain scale
* In enemy/indie province screen, link unit names to description (even if it is just generic)
* prevent blood slave harvesting in provinces where no chance exists to get slaves (pop too low), and show estimated blood harvest for each mage
* Combine Blood Harvest reports into one, linking to each commander
* When using the "N" key to cycle through commanders and a commander in a group gets selected, select the whole group of commanders.
* When a magic site is found, include the level required to find it in the site info window
* Right-click should bring up commander details in gem-transfer screen (as it does everywhere else).
* Seasonal autobid for mercs, like in Dom I
* Clearer distinction between province and global gold stats
* Net kingdom gem and gold income displayed in F1 screen
* Autoarrange commanders alphabetically by type, then name
* Confirmation screen for 'throw item away'
* '?' accessible on main menu (i.e. as a button)
* Ability to close screens without having to scroll down or press ESC (e.g. Windows-style [x] or 'Exit' button below instead of at the end of scroll-lists)
* Names of units in addition to icons in recruitment/deployment screens
* Detailed breakdown of mixed squads in deployment screen
* Battle results (i.e. list of casualties) when storming a Castle
* Detailed lists of losses (most importantly commanders)
* Right-clicking commander in main screen gives you list of troops under his command
* Build queue for commanders (even though there is only one recruitable per month)
* Shift-click to add higher multiples of units [e.g. 5 at a time] in recruitment screen
* Build queue doesn't charge you for units which won't be built that turn
* Ability to turn off pre-battle zoom animation
* Ability to enter new subscreen (F1, recruitment, etc.) without ESCaping out of the current one
* Prevent redundant site searching [or have a message like the "preaching cannot be used to raise the dominion of this province any higher" message]
* When game ends prompt for deletion of game file
* When game ends, automatically delete game file
* When you win/lose a game, instead of exiting the program, get brought back to main menu
* Ability to toggle on/off battle grid in squad positioning screen
* Keyboard selection (hotkeys or something else) for every command available with mouse
also including:
* Keyboard command to select next commander within province, even if he already has orders.
* Ability to scroll lists with arrow keys/ page up and page down instead of mouse
* Keyboard interface for research screen
* Keyboard command to cycle through friendly provinces
* Expanded gem-transfer screen, showing more than 2 commanders
* Label in nation overview identifying province types [feudal, amazons, etc.], and therefore the troops recruitable there
* Ability to cycle through recruitment screens without exiting to main map
* Allow changing physical form of pretender in design screen
* In battle screen, link spell casting notification to spell description
* Show actual adjustments to stats from fatigue (ie 0 defense, half armour, etc)
* Military info for hostile provinces displayed on main screen
* More details on exactly what different effects mean (e.g. exact benefits of mountain/forest/swamp survival, etc.)
* Add "Cast Monthly Ritual" to commander orders list (currently you can only access it by 'M' key
Feature Tweaks
* Change order of game creation: first choose scenario, then number and types of player etc.
* Special Guard commander order "Surround Body Guard":Auto position body guards encircling the commander
* Allow finer adjustment of map richness levels
* Add separate gold richness and resource richness settings for new games
* Soldiers with "guard commander" orders fire missiles if a target is within range
* Freak Lord should get a cross-breeding bonus
New Features
* Pre-made pretenders for new players
* Quick start game for new players
* Research point 'lock' for schools of magic, or other way to easily manage two or more paths being reseached at the same time
* Random nation AI opponents
* Map and Scenario triggers
* New Command for missile units: Hold or Fire
* Add tactical "Cast Support Spells", "Cast Summon Spells", and "Cast Attack Spells" commands
* New unit command: Fire and Stay Behind Troops missile units fire a couple of rounds, then retreat to behind the main battle-line
* Supply bonus for a certain number of LI/LC - in accordance with their role as foragers
* Compress trn files for Online play
* New Order in map screen "Collect Gems/Slaves" - collects all the gems/slaves held by any commanders in a province, and gives them to the selected commander
* Ability to store more than one god for each nation
* Search function for items on commanders
* Battle Sim
* Enabling/disabling spells [being able to indicate which spells your mage should pick from]
* Rework of province defense
* Different types of battle terrain
Vague Suggestions
* Less focus on supercombatants
* More regrowth possibilities / less emphasis on population death
* Reduce effectiveness of artillery-like spells (esp. in hostile dominion), or provide counters (I thought Domes were enough, but...)
* More global enchantments
Questionable Suggestions
* Alliance possible between Human and AI, rather than just between AIs (note this is different from the request for diplomacy)
* SP diplomacy
* Number of local defense force killed show up on battle report (even though they're automatically replaced)
* End/quit/save/host button remake [so that 'end turn' takes you directly to next turn]
* Hostile borders different colour than province borders within your nations [don't know if this is possible]
* Translucent filters for map instead of icons (for dominion strength, production, province defense, etc.)
These Last suggestions are labeled 'questionable' either because there is/was debate about them, or because they just plain aren't possible the way Dom II works, or finally because they seem questionable (quite subjectively) to me
LintMan's wishlist(s), shortened and compacted:
Battle viewer wishlist:
- options to turn on more verbose text of what is happenning in the battle. Ie: "Luigi casts Fireball, 2 militia killed, 1 damaged".
- ability to view unit/squad morale
- toggle to display units' health/fatigue bars above their heads
- small numbers over unit's heads shoving damage they received
- negative effects that a unit can get in combat being visible (entangled, webbed, in fire etc.)
- way to highlight all the commanders (both sides) in battle (no gameplay effect, only to find them from the crowd)
Monthly Messages list wishlist:
- fix the "Goto Province" bug, where it is broken for certain events (such as assasinations)
- Some Messages are very, very generic; more detail would be helpful:
how many gems were found in the gem finding events,
which global enchantment was cast (I don't think it says in some cases),
which global enchantment got bumped, if one did.
- battle reports listing the number of units that fled the battle (both sides), and if units of either side died while fleeing showing that too
- battle results report able to show which commanders/units were lost
UI wishlist:
- things like the exit button and gem totals (on the spell ritual lists)being part of the window frame and not scrolling with the window contents
- In the army setup screen, being able to show all the afflicted units without choosing them
- map icons (like the temple/castle ones) for scouts/spys/assasins in enemy territory.
- It'd be nice if province name and assorted info (ie: population, ownership), gotten from scouting/spying was remembered after the scout/spy leaves the area.
- If you select a ritual spell that you cannot afford, or which your mage cannot cast, the window closes without any warning that your selection was invalid. I believe this is also true for magic items you can't afford to forge. It'd be nice if there was a little popup warning you about this.
- If you let your magic item treasury fill up, further forged items get lost without warning. It's be nice if the treasury couldn't fill up, or if you got a warning about this.
Gameplay stuff:
- It'd be nice if routed units on the victor's side "came back", rather than getting scattered at surrounding provinces
- It'd be cool if units in a surrounded province knew that routing means certain doom, and had a slight morale boost.
- battle limits (death/retreat after xx turns) increased
- allow the path cost multiplier for pretender creation to be modded (ie: instead of 8 per level, allow modding it to 6, or 10).
- allow the individual scale costs to be modded. (Ie, make, say, "order" cost more, or "luck" cost less, or possibly even allow negative scales to pay more or less than the positive side does).
- I know Dom2 is PBEM and all, but how about throwing us single-player-only people a bone and adding save/reload functionality for SP only? third-party aoo for this exists
AI wishlist:
- The AI's able to build castles
- AI "personalities" and/or customizable/moddable behavior
- ability to toggle AI/computer control for SP games
added 12th September:
-making armies consisting of only light cavalry move before armies consisting of other troop types
-rebalancing madcastling/raiding:
__*making it easier to catch raiders
__*making temple-burning take one turn
__*the light-cavalry update above
__*making it harder to fortify every province
-rebalancing the spell "False horror" (by increasing Air level needed or fatique cost)
-make bloodmages more willing to use their slaves than gem-using mages their gems
-make the game show the Version network host is using
-summon XXX (unique summoning spells) should have chance of changing ownership of a unit when all of them are already summoned
-new dome that does not block spells but tells you from which province the spell originated, possibly would only work if the spell got through other domes
-shapechanging activated by thing other than death/command
-one-way shapechange activated when unit is made prophet
-artifact pretender granting artifact-status to the wielder or the ability to mod it
-new pretenders
-make "pool slaves" -command not take slaves from commanders making blood sacrifice or let them take their slaves straight from lab
-decay affects more units than seems appopriate by description, it should say that decay effects non-living creatures too
-rebalance vampire lords', wraith lords' and maybe Fallen Angels' abilities to summon allies (eg. by population death)
-warning when commander's orders are canceled
(list of situations)
-more random casting/moving etc. order (for DomIII)
-mod command #stoneform making unit immune to petrification (Bug: Origenes is petrified when going from stone to stone)