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Old November 17th, 2003, 09:42 PM

Rogue Rogue is offline
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Default Quick question on fighting....

Okay, and please excuse me if I make absolutely zero sense. I'm taking Coldeze, Advil something-or-another-for-flu, some A&D2 from Taiwan (nice lady from the other engineering group gave it to me although I can't read the labels), and something else that another co-worker gave me to drink (Theraflu?). So...I apologize if I sound a tad muddled...or even a tad more than a tad muddled.

Anyway, I read that we won't be able to manage weapons, and that makes sense. However, would it be possible to train and enter your fighters for different "classes" of weapons. I.e. we have "Bob the Gladiator". Bob's been mainly trained in hand to hand with a good dose of two handed weapons. So! Would we be able to pick what kind of event to enter "Bob"? Meaning today we're going to have hand to hand, two handed weapons, and one handed weapons. Then when the fighter fights, the database just "picks" a weapon out of that class for each fighter to use. So in the two handed weapons match "Bob" is using a <insert a random two handed weapon here> versus "Frank" who is using a <insert a random two handed weapon here>. In that way you would have certain fighters that would be more versatile and others that were more specific. Just curious on how the fights will be going. I can't wait to give this one a go!
No, no, no, no...I'm not crazy. I'm insane, crazy is just a close personal friend of mine!
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Old November 18th, 2003, 07:27 PM

StormcloudCreations StormcloudCreations is offline
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Default Re: Quick question on fighting....

Oh don't worry...had the flu a few months ago, was drugged up beyond belief, and made a lot less sense for a few days that you just did.

To make it simple, there are no weapon considerations in the game at all really. The game's scope isn't really tuned closely to the fighting mechanics itself, but the "management" aspect of the fighters. I wanted to keep the game tightly focused, as games that try to be more than one genre or type of game frequently succeed at none.

Fights are designed to be "even ground", to match up their stats against one another. Akin to two boxers entering a ring, each with the same make of gloves on.

Feel better soon!
Stormcloud Creations
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