perhaps this would be a good idea for a future theme .
EEBB mages .
cause for every other similiar blood summon there are in most cases 2 nations there :
devils : abysia / marignon DF / mictlan
frost fiends : mictlan / jotunheim
cross breeding : pangenea / mictlan
storm demon is though a similiar candidate :
vanheim (standard) can get the 2nd needed blood pick only with 1/8 th possibility on their very expensive vanadrotts.
or they need to empower their vanjarls +1 blood .
but they can't natural cast it .
with pangenea it is similiar for demon knights but there the odds are much worse than for vanheim .
perhaps the designers thought that storm demons and death knights are the "best" demon troops and better than the above listed devils and so on .
vanheim + pangenea have further in common that it is much harder for them to get a blood economy going .
pangeneas pandemoniacs are just very expensive .
vanheims bloodhunters have only blood 1 and are very expensive . the SDR is a must for them.
and a +1 blood item doesn't hurt too .
but vanheim has already plenty of other strenghts like powerful air magic , possible bless strategies ...
a 4th pangenea theme where the pans are replaced through blood 2 earth 2 pans would perhaps be nice to fill the niche
edit : didn't see your posting already when writing this Cheezeninja
sounds very rational why there should be no EEBB nation / theme
[ July 17, 2004, 00:17: Message edited by: Boron ]