Windows Server Host Question
I have a Windows 2000 server that I would like to use to host a few Dom 2 PBEM games. I've written a small script to upload .2h files to the server and keep track of who has submitted turns. Once everyone is in (or a fixed time duration has passed) I would like the server to run host, exit and send the new turn files out.
The problem is that I can't seem to get the script to run host and exit. I have tried calling dom2.exe directly, or via a bat file, with
dom2.exe -g testgame --host -xxx
When running this from commandprompt or by running the bat file, it works fine. But when launced from the script, a dom2.exe process is initiated, hangs and no turn is generated.
Does someone more skilled in Win2k have a hint to what I might do wrong here?
I've tried both with Cold Fusion script and PHP, both with the same result. The script service is set to be allowed to interact with the desktop.