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Old May 10th, 2004, 07:48 AM
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Default Strange battle injury effect on AllFather - possible bug?

In one on my MP yesterday where I was playing Vanheim with Odin (AllFather) pretender, I got a "chest wound" injury as a result of attacking water province.

(mental note to myslef - never ever attack triton provinces with even almost invulnerable pretenders, unless you are 100% poison immune. Their spears of course couldn't do much against mistform comined with high defense and protection, but their posion took full effect, and that what gave me that nasty wound after the battle ended)

Anyway, the Chest Wound, as we all know, is (+5 Enc, -1 Str). However when I examined my pretender after the battle, I noticed that he now have (2 Enc moving/12 Enc melee). It used to be 2 moving/2 melee, so Chest Wound gave him +10 Enc instead of +5.
My guess is that it is somehow related to him being not-typical "mounted" pretender. But it emplies that his horse somehow got the chest wound at the same time with him, which is rather silly.

So is this a small bug, or geting chest wound for the mounted unit means that both rider and the horse got screwed with one big spear? (and it has to be _very_ big in case of Odin). I don't have any other cavalery unit wounded in the chest to compare notes at this moment, so I don't know if this beheiver consistent with other mounted units or not.

However +5 End, -1 Str is prety bad by itself, but +10 encumberence is very nasty, and I fail to see why it should be worse for mounted units, who after all tend to move less than infantry units, as already indicated in game though armor Enc.

So any comments/ideas?

[ May 10, 2004, 06:52: Message edited by: Stormbinder ]
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Old May 10th, 2004, 08:23 AM

Norfleet Norfleet is offline
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Default Re: Strange battle injury effect on AllFather - possible bug?

I've had the chest wound on the Allfather before as well. It's rather annoying. I have not noticed that it inflicts DOUBLE encumberance, however.

There are, however, some encumberance numbers to take into account: The "base" encumberance never changes. For the AF, this number is "2".

The melee encumberance is equal to the base encumberance, plus any afflictions, plus any weather penalties, plus any armor encumberance. If you're inside cold-3, you'll notice that a +2 is added on for "Severe Cold". The Allfather is mounted and does not suffer armor encumberance. A chest wound does not affect the melee encumberance of a 0-encumberance chassis. This encumberance is added on every turn that you attack. Note that Quickness will cause you attack twice, and therefore incur double this encumberance. This is not displayed, however.

If you're seeing an actual +12 enc melee, due to the chest wound, take a screenshot so we can analyze it.

The spellcasting encumberance is equal to the base encumberance, plus TWICE the armor encumberance. Note that this value is nonzero even if you are a 0-encumberance unit. This encumberance is added on every time you cast a spell, in addition to the fatigue imposed by the spell.
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Old May 10th, 2004, 09:03 AM

Wendigo Wendigo is offline
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Default Re: Strange battle injury effect on AllFather - possible bug?

In Dominions you shouldn't atribute to a bug what can be explained by logic.

In this particular case, the extra encumbrance in the Allfather most likely comes from him being in an underwater province without being a full amphibian (maybe also aditionally increased by an extreme weather scale as Norfleet points out).

Regardless of wether you can breathe underwater or not, all that water over your shoulders is kind of tiresome.
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Old May 10th, 2004, 10:08 AM

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Default Re: Strange battle injury effect on AllFather - possible bug?

Looking over the numbers you've described, this seems to be consistent with Allfather(2), Chest Wound(+5), Severe Heat/Cold(+2), Underwater(+3), which gives you the +12 you mentioned. Do these conditions describe the conditions you were fighting in?
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Old May 10th, 2004, 02:25 PM
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Default Re: Strange battle injury effect on AllFather - possible bug?

Originally posted by Stormbinder:
It used to be 2 moving/2 melee, so Chest Wound gave him +10 Enc instead of +5.
There is no fatigue penalty for moving, and no encumbrance value for it either.
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Old May 10th, 2004, 05:06 PM
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Default Re: Strange battle injury effect on AllFather - possible bug?

Ahh, you right, I completely forgot about additional underwater Enc. penalty. It is indeed combinasion of underwater, climate and wound penalties, all occured at the same turn, that led to double additional Enc, instead of regular penalty from wound. Thank you.

[ May 10, 2004, 16:08: Message edited by: Stormbinder ]
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