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Old March 6th, 2004, 08:29 AM

RAF RAF is offline
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Default Newbee Sea Movement Question

How do you move by sea? I know some land masses that are separated by water are adjacent, ie, movable between by 1 move, but how do you move into open sea? One of my opponents (Ulm, I think) were moveing units by sea, but I (playing Maringnon) was unable to...???

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Old March 6th, 2004, 09:00 AM

Zurai Zurai is offline
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Default Re: Newbee Sea Movement Question

Originally posted by RAF:
How do you move by sea? I know some land masses that are separated by water are adjacent, ie, movable between by 1 move, but how do you move into open sea? One of my opponents (Ulm, I think) were moveing units by sea, but I (playing Maringnon) was unable to...???

You need to be able to breathe underwater in order to move INTO a water province. In other words, you need one of the following on ALL the troops or commanders you intend to take underwater: Aquatic, Amphibian, Poor Amphibian, Sacred (only if you took Water Cult as your theme and the province in question is inside your dominion), or Water Magic of at least 1. A leader with Water Magic can take a very limited number of troops with him underwater (I believe it's one man-sized or 1/2 giant-sized creature per level of water, but I could be mistaken), based on his Water Magic level. There are also items you can forge that will let you take troops underwater.

In order to move OVER a water province, you need to have all flying units/commanders or a commander with the Sailing ability (only Vanheim and Conquerers of the Sea theme Marignon have the Sailing ability, and there is one unique forgeable item that gives the ability to a single commander).

Hope that helps
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Old March 6th, 2004, 10:04 AM

Gateway103 Gateway103 is offline
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Default Re: Newbee Sea Movement Question

Originally posted by Zurai:
In order to move OVER a water province, you need to have all flying units/commanders or a commander with the Sailing ability (only Vanheim and Conquerers of the Sea theme Marignon have the Sailing ability, and there is one unique forgeable item that gives the ability to a single commander).[/QB]
Some clarifications. The sailing ability is bestowed by a non-unique item.

Pocket Ship (Con6, 3N2S) - "Ocean Movement of 1 for Commander and his units".

You are thinking of this unique item, not quite the same.

The Flying Ship (Con8 Unique, 4A) - "3 Map Movement considered flying for Unit and Troops".

Just an errata. Info from Zen's MIQR V2.8.


[ March 06, 2004, 08:05: Message edited by: Gateway103 ]
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