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Old February 6th, 2001, 09:38 PM

Markavian Markavian is offline
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Default File Lookup data mod which needs implementing.

With shipsets, there is only one picture that the game looks up when searching a shipset's directory. What it should do is look for one file, then if it can't find it look for another file.

The main and major reason for this?

e.g. Say someone wanted to create a new ship type, say a Refuel Tanker. They could make the Data for the ship and stuff, but when it came to picking an image to use for it, the person has two options.

1) Pick an image already in the directory, which is pretty boring. The new refuel tanker looks just like the cruiser. . .

2) Change the image to something else Race_Portrait_RefuelTanker.bmp and make a generic race image.

This is just completely well, boring, and unfortunate. It completely limits modding that file, which I'm sure many people would quite like to do! I have a dozen of ideas I'd like to try out but can't because of this limit.

The solution? Make a list of files to look for.

3) Get the file to look for first Race_Portrait_RefuelTanker.bmp. Second get it to look for a cruiser or something to replace it, and/or third, get the game to look for a generic file

Another example of a use for this is for Base ships. 1) Look for baseshp.bmp 2) Look for starbase.bmp
I've seen some of your shipsets actually have Baseship images already made! But you never get to see them.

A third example is mines and sattellites. If some one wants to design small medium and large mines/satellites for their shispet . . let them! But don't let that affect older shipsets which haven't been upgraded.

Does any one agree with me? If so, post here.

John Beech
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Old February 7th, 2001, 01:42 AM
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Default Re: File Lookup data mod which needs implementing.

John, According to the v1.20 notes, this is how mods will work in the next patch:

"31. Changed - Changed the Path.txt file so that it now lists a new directory to use.
This directory can contain replacements directory for all of the
directories that SE4 uses. If a directory is present in the mod
directory, all of the files that SE4 needs must be present. So if you
replace the Data directory, your new directory must have all of the
data files present. The only exception to this rule is for bitmaps.
If a bitmap cannot be found in a mod directory, the game will then
look back into the original SE4 directory to find it. In this way, you
can replace everything in the game, but not need to include all of the
graphics as well".

Do these changes help address any of bitmap things you are proposing?
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Old February 8th, 2001, 03:38 PM
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Default Re: File Lookup data mod which needs implementing.

I am no modder, but I think I understand what you are saying.

If you create a new ship, your tanker, you have to put a bitmap image of it into each race file. Man that takes time.

But what you propose is to make it go to a single directory where a single bitmap image can be used by all the races.

This would make modding a new ship into the gam a lot easier however, every race would have the same new ship.

Am I close?
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Old February 8th, 2001, 04:13 PM
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Default Re: File Lookup data mod which needs implementing.

Originally posted by Atrocities:
I am no modder, but I think I understand what you are saying.

If you create a new ship, your tanker, you have to put a bitmap image of it into each race file. Man that takes time.

But what you propose is to make it go to a single directory where a single bitmap image can be used by all the races.

This would make modding a new ship into the gam a lot easier however, every race would have the same new ship.

Am I close?

That's exactly what the game does right now. Let's say it's looking for a cruiser picture, it will first look in the races directory, when it can't find the file it will use the picture in the genericrace directory (hope that is the right name). This is for example why the neutrals all use the same ships, if you put a shipset in a directory of a neutral and rename it properly the neutral will no longer use the generic shipset but it's own.

::Joins the fight about what Markavians was thinking::

I think what he means is that the game should look for a file in the races directory, and if it can't find it just use another suitable picture from the same race. This way you can make the program look for pictures for a large satellite (not included with original races), and if it can't find it can still use the standard satellite picture. If this is implemented you could make pictures for your own shipset for additional hulls, but you don't have to do it for all the races. The other races will still use their own pictures, and not some out of style generic picture.

But I can't read John's thougths maybe he should answer this one himself..

[This message has been edited by henk brouwer (edited 08 February 2001).]
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Old February 8th, 2001, 05:32 PM

Markavian Markavian is offline
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Default Re: File Lookup data mod which needs implementing.

Your there Henk!

You've got just what I mean. I think you've explained it well now as well.

Now all I need it the support to get it implemented!

Has anyone seen those baseships pics in some of the game directories?
Wouldn't you rather play with those instead of Starbaes?
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Old February 9th, 2001, 01:07 AM
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Default Re: File Lookup data mod which needs implementing.

I'm with you John, it does sound like a useful change.

I think all you need to do is send the suggestion to Aaron at MM. If he likes it and it's pretty easy to do, it may likely make it into the patch. If it's not such an easy change, or if he doesn't see a big benefit, it might take a while. He's got a big stack in front of him.
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Old February 9th, 2001, 01:25 AM

Markavian Markavian is offline
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Default Re: File Lookup data mod which needs implementing.

I have sent several emails to MM's e-mail, but have not had a response :-\

I think something is up with my mail server (pop.ntlworld.com) and so I'm getting a friend to forward a message to them and ask about my other e-mails.

Whats the normal response time on these sorts of things? I used to get an e-mail back sorta the next working day, but since the release of SE4 - I don't know.

Any one else prepared to forward an SE4 winamp to them as well?
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Old February 9th, 2001, 01:40 AM
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Default Re: File Lookup data mod which needs implementing.


I sent in a suggestion on mods a while back and Aaron answered me promply. Since then I've sent in some more email suggestions and haven't gotten a response on those. The poor guy must be totally swamped with emails at this point.

Just take a look at all of the changes and fixes he's done for the next patch so far and how many suggestions there are on this board alone to wade through. I'm wondering how he even finds time to sleep and I worry that he'll burn himself out.

So, I think he probably got and read your email but just doesn't have much time right now to respond to every one. He's just one guy with a lot on his plate. I don't mind this, myself. I'd rather him spend his time gainfully programming than answering each and every email. I want that next patch out ASAP.
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Old February 9th, 2001, 02:29 AM

Markavian Markavian is offline
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Default Re: File Lookup data mod which needs implementing.

No it doesn't

That just allows you to change the graphics and still have the originals in their own folder!

Or does it, :-\
I'll have to think about it.

No, it doesn't help. I'm talking about shipsets here. I'm talking about the game looking for files with different file names!

This just look for the same file in a different folder. Its useful, but not for what I want to do.
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Old February 9th, 2001, 05:48 AM

Tomgs Tomgs is offline
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Default Re: File Lookup data mod which needs implementing.

I've sent in a few bug reports. I haven't gotten a response this year but I have noticed that all of the bugs I reported got on the patch list. Either he found them another way or he read the E-mails. I am happy either way. The next patch looks like it will answer a lot of needs. Now a lot of my my wants on the other hand haven't gotten on the patches yet so either he didn't like them or hasn't got time to implement wants because of pressing needs at this point.

[This message has been edited by Tomgs (edited 09 February 2001).]
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