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Old January 6th, 2004, 12:12 AM
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Vger Vger is offline
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Default Affliction record?


This game is so addictive it should probably be illegal. I'm playing Pangea normal vs 4 Difficult AIs (Man, Ulm Pythium [defeated by cps] and C'tis). I've bunkered in and am gradually creating SCs to send out and expand.

So far, I've been using Golems, with Robe of Invulnerability, Charcoal Shield, Elixir of Life, Regen ring, trample boots and Elf Bane. (If anyone has suggestions on equipment, I'd be interested.)

Now, to the point. I have this poor old Golem, Erborn. He now has 8! afflictions. I was wondering what the record was and thought it might be amusing to post some of the situations and combinations.

Erborn was defending a province by himself, no defense (as I don't want the wimpy def troops to rout off) for several turns (Last turn he finally got another Golem to help). Every turn he's been attacked by Ulm.

One battle, many turns ago, seemed to give him most of his maladies, but this Last battle gave him his latest injury. That first battle was the only one I thought would be a challenge. It was Erborn and an Iron Dragon vs a bunch of rabble led by a couple of lizard riders and Pig Boy. (I don't remember what he's called, but he looks like a pig in red robes.) There were also a bunch of big (size 4) dudes in grey armor. These guys and Pig Boy managed to kill the ID, but eventually, between Elf Bane and Trampling, Erborn prevailed.

So, now here's the list (the Last three affictions I think are hilarious, taken together):

Lost one eye
Lost the other eye, as well
Chest wound
Limp (probably from banging around blind)
Never healing wound
Mute (so much for Body Ethereal)
Feeble minded (not that he'd remember to cast it)
Lost the head (no spell casting for yooooooooou)

And in this pitiful state, he still keeps on ticking and giving out a licking, blindly trampling around stomping on his foes who've set themselves on fire trying to kill him.

Now, if I could only give him some award, prize, mutation for his noble service so well above and beyond the call.

I've made the Chalice and have the other golem building a lab (he now has 3 afflictions) and am going to try and pull him out so he can recover.

I don't know, just this lost one eye, lost the other eye, struck mute, made feeble ... oh, and by the way, YOU LOST YOUR HEAD! Just cracks me up.

Love, love, love this game,
V'ger gone


I gave Erborn the Chalice and sat him out a turn. Voila! He now has an eye back and is no longer feebleminded. As to where his new eye and mind are ...?

[ January 05, 2004, 22:44: Message edited by: Vger ]
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