Re: Defending Provinces
Of course there will be alot of answers but here is mine. Basically I put SOME defence in every providence, and like to have armys able to reach any of my province within one or two turns. Of course I will have armies on my borders so the main worry inside is from surprises. Its too expensive to try and NOT lose any provinces. Id rather make sure that I dont lose one for more than a turn or two.
There are different ways to accomplish that. One is to keep enough armies moving around alot so they are always close enough.
Another is to keep a semi-army (lite infantry, slingers, flyers, whatever) in provinces with alot of population so you can patrol for higher taxing. Such an army will be available to quickly move and retrieve a lost province, then easily/cheaply replace its losses.
Another is to build a fortress where you will continually be building armies and sending them forward. The location of the fortress and the path of moving forward makes all the provinces in a wide path along the route be covered.
Its only when I am gambling on a big attack against one of the other nations that I run into trouble. Im too tempted to move everything forward at once instead of staggered so that an army is always inside.
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