Ciao for now.
My ongoing failure to get in play with the dom demo and the (hopefully) imminient arrival of the full game has lead me to conclude I must absent myself from participation in this forum and the incredible volume of traffic here - a volume which bodes well for Dom II.
The central passions of majority contributing here seems to be the issues of balence and AI. I have said everything I have to say on the balence issue (patience before judging and a bit of faith in the developers) and AI is not a central question me - I'm into dom for its multi-player value. So alot of what I'm reading is not what I'm looking for.
I will still be posting in the Googles group forum and will keep an eye on this forum. I may return once the whole balence, AI issue, settles down and there is more discussion on race design and multi-player game themes/setup as these are my main area's of interests.
Thanks for lotsa useful info - happy doming,