Our good buddy Mr. Range Check
I keep getting a range check error. It only started recently(have had the game for about a month and no probs uptil now). Now I've explained to my computer the mental anguish that this causes me, in fact I even threatened it with violence but it still sees fit to vex me...Anyways back to the problem at hand...I followed the advice of previous threads and deleted the game and reinstalled it, the patch, and Mephito's Mod v 1.60 with extreme care. Now the thing I find interesting is that if I'm actually playing it does not do this to me. It only occurs when I turn on full AI in the ministers screen when attempting to see how my young AI would play. Now before you say that I made some kind of mistake in my AI files, I tried playing with full AI on when I reinstalled the game, meaning I used one of MM's races. Still the same problem. It occurs within the first five turns of the game and seems to be related(in my mind anyways)to the AI moving about one of it's early escorts. Any suggestions(Beyond the ole...well just don't play without full AI routine;-)?
My system is an Athlon 900mhz/Voodoo 5500 video/128 mg ram
"He's dead, Jim."-- Lt. Commander Leonard "Bones" McCoy |Chief Medical Officer / USS Enterprise (NCC-1701)
[This message has been edited by DirkHowitzer (edited 18 January 2001).]
[This message has been edited by DirkHowitzer (edited 18 January 2001).]
He's dead, Jim.-- Lt. Commander Leonard Bones McCoy |Chief Medical Officer / USS Enterprise (NCC-1701)