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Old December 27th, 2000, 05:06 AM

SpareTire SpareTire is offline
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Default Intelligence Porblems

So, I was playing a marathon game tonight - and doing well until I was ranked #1 is score, then suddenly, on one turn *all* of the computers declared war on me. I was duking it out with them and doing well - except on the Intel front. *Every* turn I got research projects cancelled (major bummer) or ships leaving my side or resources & tech being stolen. It was a major pain in the rear. How do you guys fend off the Intel onslaught??? I had roughly 8k in Intel points per turn - not a major number but I did research all the way to Intel Center III .

When you do a counter Intel project, is it saved to be used against an enemy project? Can I tell anywhere how many I have stored?


Oh, and I *lost* only because I was asking the weak races to surrender to me - but on one I hit 'surrender to it' and there was no way to undo the message... MAJOR DRAG there.
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Old December 27th, 2000, 05:43 AM

Psitticine Psitticine is offline
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Default Re: Intelligence Porblems

You have to be cranking out enough IPs so that your progress in a Counter-Intel (and/or Intel Sabotage projects) is fast enough to be comparable with the enemy's expenditure in its offense projects.

IOW, if you aren't spending enough on Counter-Intel, they'll get through. You need to have a CI project running to have the protection. They work as they are being "built", so to speak, but they stop immediately when the project is finished.
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Old December 27th, 2000, 05:13 PM
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Default Re: Intelligence Porblems

I think I remember reading someplace that each counter-intel project only defeats ONE intel project against you. So if multiple races are using intel on you, you need multiple counter-intels running.

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Old December 27th, 2000, 10:10 PM

Tomgs Tomgs is offline
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Default Re: Intelligence Porblems

Yes multiple counter intell is needed. Also the reason all the empires declared war on you at once is the evil empire setting its in the Data folder in the settings.txt file near the end. I Usually set the number there higher than 500 because it is very easy to get to that number quickly in the early game.
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Old December 28th, 2000, 05:35 AM

Psitticine Psitticine is offline
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Default Re: Intelligence Porblems

No, I really don't think more than one Counter-Intel project is needed. I've never run more than one at a time and the only times I've had successful attacks made on me is when the enemy(or enemies) in question have more IPs than I do. Maybe you're thinking about Intel Sabotage projects?
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Old December 28th, 2000, 06:30 AM

Tomgs Tomgs is offline
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Default Re: Intelligence Porblems

In the mid and late game I have had 5 or 6 projects go off on one turn against me succesfully even with one counter intelligence operation going so yes at times you need more than one going. You will know soon enough if you need it . As soon as the counter intell works against one operation it stops so any others going against you will have no opposition. This was from many races working projects against me at once. I had more intell points than all of them combined by that point so I was doing them a lot more harm with intell than they did me. Ha go ahead and change the orders on that ship I will take two of yours for repayment.

[This message has been edited by Tomgs (edited 28 December 2000).]
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