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Old December 12th, 2000, 10:43 PM

Arc.Smiloid Arc.Smiloid is offline
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Default Area effect weaponry....

Is it possible to create weapons that deal damage in a bLast area like a grenade? Or even weapons that deal damage to everything in an indiscriminate line from the attacking ship?

The weapons would deal a large amount of damage in the direct attack area and splash lesser damage into adjacent areas. (Cut a swath into fighter formations)

Of course such weapons of massive and utter destruction would weigh hundreds of kT and cost even more (massive radioactives cost/upkeep? I really do mean MASSIVE!!)

Terrible ROF of course, but awesome range. My idea is that any ships in the target area should get a turn to try and run away as the weapon powers up (poor static defences).

It would take some time to balance properly, but would prove to be a wonderful addition to the game.

Huge weapons of mass destruction is a Science Fiction staple!
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Old December 12th, 2000, 11:55 PM
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Default Re: Area effect weaponry....

Well, they are kinda planned, Last I heard.
When a cat is dropped, it always lands on its feet, and when toast is dropped, it always lands with the buttered side facing down. I propose to strap buttered toast to the back of a cat. The two will hover, spinning inches above the ground. With a giant buttered cat array, a high-speed monorail could easily link New York with Chicago.
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Old December 13th, 2000, 12:40 AM
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Default Re: Area effect weaponry....

An option for splash damage from exploding ships would be interesting. It'd bring back the days of a MoO2 chain-reaction triggered by some handy-dandy EMG missiles blowing up a warp drive. It'd also make Ogging easier (for you non-Netrekkers: to 'ogg' in that game is to make a suicide attack, usually uncloaking at point-blank at letting loose with tractor beam, phasers and torps -- taking advantage of the fact that even if he kills you, your explosion will do serious damage to him in the process).

-- The thing that goes bump in the night
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Old December 13th, 2000, 03:02 AM

Baron Munchausen Baron Munchausen is offline
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Default Re: Area effect weaponry....

Well, as usual I've been asking for things like that for some time. In fact, I've asked for just about everything in MOO or MOO II at one time or another.

The 'Engine Pulsar' that sends out a wave of damage in all directions around a ship would be very cool. The 'Lightning Field' that has a fixed percent chance to fry any missile before it hits your ship would also be very cool. I've also been thinking about some "original" stuff but wonder how hard it would be to program. Like, a "web" of some sort, like the Tholian web thing from Star Trek, that you could "draw" on the battle grid and ships would have to take some huge amount of damage to go through it. Yes, we players can imagine all sorts of cool things. Poor Aaron would be chained to his keyboad for decades trying to program it all.

I'll be happy if he just implements the stuff he originally committed to, like drones and warp gates.
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