OT: Inland Empire Fire
A massive brush fire up in the mountains north of San Bernardino and Rancho Cucamonga is threatening to consume many homes if it comes down the foothills. It has already burned several hundred homes in parts of San Bernardino in the Last day or so. The fire has been spreading fairly rapidly, thanks to the abnormally hot weather and the high winds that have begun blowing in the Last few days. While my home is not currently in the evacuation zone, it is only a matter of miles south of it (as the mountains are to the north). Fire fighters hope to be able to contain it before it can burn any more homes. But, the fire is too large for them to be able to put it out, so the plan seems to be to protect homes and keep it from getting past the foothills, and let the fire burn itself out up in the mountains. It is raining (snowing?) ash and such in the area around my home. The fire has spread several miles to the west in just a few hours. My family (and all others near the area) have already packed up their valuables, ready to evacuate, should it become necessary. I live some 30 miles to the east/south east in Riverside, and I can see some of the fires on the mountains burning brightly (currently 8:39 PM PST (-8:00 GMT)). All day today the sky has been overcast with brown clouds and there has been a strong smell of smoke everywhere. I am fairly certain that the fire will not be able to reach my apartment here, but I have no idea how my parent's home back in Rancho Cucamonga will fair. Best wishes to everyone in danged from this torrent of flame.