big game newbs wanted: closing soon
I am gona close and start this game soon, (probibly in 24 - 48 hrs)
so join up!
its a fun game, experianced player wellcome, as long as they go easy on us newbies.
Starting resources: 20000,
Starting planets: 3,
Home planet value: Good
Score display: Own, all
Technology level: Medium,
Racial points: 5000
Quadrant type: cluster
Quadrant size: Large
Event frequency: Low,
Event severity: Catastrophic
Technology cost: High
Victory conditions: 300% of 2nd player's score
Maximum units: 5000
Maximum ships: 700
Computer players: none
Computer difficulty: High
Computer player bonus: None,
Neutral empires: Yes,
Other game settings:
tech traiding off
intell off
surender only to enemy