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Old May 2nd, 2007, 11:40 AM

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Default Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)

you can't compare 1000 slaves against 1000 astral pearls. Getting 1000 slaves are A LOT easier than getting 1000 astral pearls from clams. And I dunno how you intend to stop blood hunting going on in protected castle provinces. And what about blood stones ? they are atleast as good as clams (tho only a few nations can make them)
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Old May 2nd, 2007, 11:42 AM
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Default Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)

Let's not over analyze this game too much. A lot of the tactics being mentioned usually lead to victories in standard large games, yet people are not banning them from there.

It is true that in a game of this size, it is going to have an even larger impact, but if you do get rid of things like clam hording, blood hunting etc, players are still going to find and use the most efficient means possible to exploit the massive map size.

Out of the gate, nations are going to benefit from this map, should they be banned too? Let's not go overboard with banning things. I can understand Arcane Nexus, because beyond the initial effort, it is pretty much game breaking after that. But clam hording and blood hunting are going to take lots of micromanagement, lots of commanders recruited and equipped to facilitate.

A thousand commanders not doing anything but producing pearls is at the very worst going to be a late game sight, and if someone is able to devote the resources and man power to that endeavor, the game is probably already close to over anyway.
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Old May 2nd, 2007, 11:46 AM

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Default Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)

Just to clarify, Im not arguing for a ban on blood nations =). In fact i don't want anything banned (well AN i don't really care about).
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Old May 2nd, 2007, 12:01 PM
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Default Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)

id like to join, and i will mail you my preferences soon.
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Old May 2nd, 2007, 01:16 PM
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Default Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)

How can you refuse a game like this?

Sleepless nights, stressful evenings, lukewarm pizza's hurriedly gulped up in front of the computer, half of your time at work spent pondering potential strategies instead of working... where do I sign?

I'll send a mail with nation preferences and votes as soon as I decide what I'd like to play.

P.S. I'm slightly in favor of limiting gem producing items in some way (perhaps imposing a maximum number you can own of turn number*x or by making them more expensive or something), but I'm not terribly fussed about it either. After all, someone will probably win this game.
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Old May 2nd, 2007, 01:31 PM
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Default Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)

Sign me up please.

I vote in favor of Nexus ban, against Utterdark ban, and for Difficult research. I'll vote on era later.

Thanks for hosting V!
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Old May 2nd, 2007, 01:45 PM

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Default Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)

I'm anti-banning.
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Old May 2nd, 2007, 02:06 PM

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Default Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)

I just signed in !!

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Old May 2nd, 2007, 02:11 PM
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Default Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)

Keep in mind this will be the only game like this for dom3, so consider this a sort of test game.

If I find aspects that I think significantly make this sort of game less fun we will get rid of it for the next megagame. For those people that think something is unbalanced/unfun I invite you to join this game and prove your point. If you succeed you have my permission to then mercilessly mock those who disagreed with you.

Micah - Personally I totally agree with you. I find clam hording to be a remarkably unfun part of late large dom3 games. So much so that I generally don't pursue that path myself even though it gives great advantages.

Unfortunately though clams have always been a central aspect to late dom3 and dom2 games. The established players are used to this and accept it - some even like it. I don't think there will be much traction for changing this, especially since this sort of game is so unknown.

I will say that with the victory conditions there will be a fine line between over-hording and normal hording. %65 of the provinces is what's needed to win, so if a player sits too much on his *** without expanding he will fall behind. Turtling will not work in this game IMHO. You might be making a bazillion pearls a turn but if somoene on the other side of the world is expanding much quicker you are wasting your time.

That said, I'm sure the winner will have some trick going on - like Utterdark, Arcane Nexus or Clam Whoreding.
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Old May 2nd, 2007, 02:24 PM

Shovah32 Shovah32 is offline
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Default Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)

Sign me up
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