Did anyone else play the game Armada 2525? Many of you might be interested to learn that it was an old, old Dos game that got bought up and became Master of Orion 1. Anyway, they had artificial planets in that game. But instead of turning asteroids into planets, you built a big artificial planet at one world, then strapped engines to it and flew it over to the empty system where you wanted it and then parked it in orbit. Well, a few of us relaized that these babies were dang near indestructible in combat so we'd make fleets and park all our good ships behind a giant artificial planet. It soaked up horrendous amounts of damage while our ships fired at the enemy with impunity. So the designer added this tech called hyperspace missiles which teleported to attack the ships in the very back of combat.
Anyway, just some fun thoughts on a related topic.
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