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Old January 12th, 2001, 01:46 AM
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Default Re: Ancient Ruins dud!

My understanding of the ruins issue is that if you have researched the technology the ruin would have given you, you get nothing upon finding the ruin. Sounds simple, and I believe that is the way it works.

"We've made too many compromises already, too many retreats! They invade our space and we fall back -- they assimilate entire worlds and we fall back! Not again! The line must be drawn here -- this far, no further! And I will make them pay for what they've done!" -- Patric Stewart as Captain Picard
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Old January 12th, 2001, 03:35 AM

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Default Re: Ancient Ruins dud!

Argh. I got home, opened up the right text file "StellarAbility Types.txt" and found the ruins ability. There isn't a 0 value in number of techs. All the unique worlds have the same description text, so maybe the one where you don't get any tech is when you pick up a unique.

By saving the game and reloading, I -have- managed to get different techs on the worlds where you get a group of techs. It tends to repeat a bit, though.

Though, of course, doing that outside of experimentation is cheating.

"What do -you- want?" "I'd like to live -just- long enough
to be there when they cut off your head and stick it on a
pike as a warning to the next ten generations that some favors
come with too high a price. I would look up into your lifeless
eyes and wave like this..." *waggle* "...can you and your
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...can you and your associates arrange that for me, Mr. Morden?
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Old January 12th, 2001, 05:12 AM

Tomgs Tomgs is offline
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Default Re: Ancient Ruins dud!

The only planets that I know you have a chance to not get a tech level on are the ones that state "we have detected advanced technology present on this planet". Those are the "unique" technology planets where you get the technologies you can't research. The other planets will give you 1, 2, or 3 levels of researchable technology. I have never had them not give me an advance but I suppose it is possible in the late game if everything is researched. I don't know if there is a percent chance that if one field is completely researched that you will get nothing on these other worlds but it has never happened to me yet. The "unique tech" wolds give me nothing quite often though after getting at least one tech from them. This happens every game.

[This message has been edited by Tomgs (edited 12 January 2001).]
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Old January 12th, 2001, 10:39 PM

Nyx Nyx is offline
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Default Re: Ancient Ruins dud!

By saving the game and reloading, I -have- managed to get different techs on the worlds where you get a group of techs. It tends to repeat a bit, though.

Hmm, this is interesting. I was told people had tried this and always got the exact same thing, hence the assumption that the contents were determined at galaxy creation. Thanks for the data though.

[quoe]I have never had them not give me an advance but I suppose it is possible in the late game if everything is researched. [/quote]

It happens to me even if barely any techs are researched. 've never had the fifth or later ruins give me anything, and rarely does the fourth. I get three bonuses, sometimes a fouth, and then no more ever again. However, I will say that I am famous for experiencing bugs that no one else ever does.

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Old February 3rd, 2002, 06:17 AM
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Default Re: Ancient Ruins dud!

Question: I have 12 Unique tech in my games. We will say they are all set at chance = 5. Then lets say there is a game with only 4 Unique techs set at chance = 5. Will the game with 12 UT (Unique techs) have a better chance (maybe give out more due to more UT in the game) of giving out unique techs then the one with five?

Also, I played one game and had four Unique tech planets in my sector that I could populate. I populated them all and I recieved four different Unique techs: Massive Resource Extraction, Massive Planetary Shielding, Massive Space Yard, and Massive Fuel Converter. I was shocked at what I received. Albeit it took almost 30 turns to just build one of these, but I was practicaly invincible. I played for a couple of turns then deleted the game.
I modified how Unique techs work. When you get a Unique tech you usually automatically get the facility or component right then. Well I increased the level of all unique techs by 1 (one). Then increased all unique facilities and components required tech level by 1. What this does is when someone gets a unique tech they do not automatically get it. They get the ability to research it which is usually not cheap in research points. Then you have to build it which is not cheap either. I am not too sure how this affects the AI. Will have to do some tests to find out.
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Old February 3rd, 2002, 07:52 AM
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Default Re: Ancient Ruins dud!

Question: I have 12 Unique tech in my games. We will say they are all set at chance = 5. Then lets say there is a game with only 4 Unique techs set at chance = 5. Will the game with 12 UT (Unique techs) have a better chance (maybe give out more due to more UT in the game) of giving out unique techs then the one with five?

Yes. If you put more ruins in the data files, then there will be a greater chance of ruins being generated. Unique techs will become more common.
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Old February 3rd, 2002, 08:04 AM
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Default Re: Ancient Ruins dud!

Originally posted by Wizarc:
I modified how Unique techs work. When you get a Unique tech you usually automatically get the facility or component right then. Well I increased the level of all unique techs by 1 (one). Then increased all unique facilities and components required tech level by 1. What this does is when someone gets a unique tech they do not automatically get it. They get the ability to research it which is usually not cheap in research points. Then you have to build it which is not cheap either. I am not too sure how this affects the AI. Will have to do some tests to find out.

I see one problem with your modification: The AI will not research the unique technologies unless you modify all research files to include these research areas.
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Old February 3rd, 2002, 08:19 AM

Phoenix-D Phoenix-D is offline
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Default Re: Ancient Ruins dud!

"I see one problem with your modification: The AI will not research the unique technologies unless you modify all research files to include these research areas."

Well, yes, but I've never seen an SE4 AI use unique techs anyway, so you'd have to make changes just to get them using the existing system.


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Old February 3rd, 2002, 12:36 PM

Egregius Egregius is offline
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Default Re: Ancient Ruins dud!

Then probably IF you'd incorporate say 'shield depleting weapons' in the AI designcreation file, they have a chance of using massive shield depleters, as long as they belong to the same group as normal shield depleters (would seem odd if they didn't).

Massive planetary shield would have to be incorporated into the build lines for various planet types for each AI. Then they'd be built, *eventually* *IF* the AI gets the tech.

Neural net...is that included in the group combat modifiers? Then they would be used automatically right?

It's possible I've once seen an AI use them but I'm extremely unsure about that.
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Old February 3rd, 2002, 07:19 PM
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Default Re: Ancient Ruins dud!

Well, yes, but I've never seen an SE4 AI use unique techs anyway, so you'd have to make changes just to get them using the existing system.

I have seen the AI use the planetary shields, but you are right you must include these items in the construction facilities and vehicle design files.
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