To be clear, in NO WAY do I speak for Andy and Don.
As you've said you're a longtime player then you know that within the last 6 yrs. or, so we've been here before. We last had what amounted to a
2-year gap between releases and I seem to recall there was a 1-year gap before that in the above time frame.
For my part at least there just happened to be some important issues that came up during that
2-year gap that Andy and Don were dealing with their own issues. Simply put, they were more important than the game in regard to the importance of what was going in our lives to include just
plain old burnout.
I have a full-time job of at least 45 hrs. a week or more as operational commitments require. And for those that "
tune in" most of my work is a mad rush before I leave for work or goes well into the morning when I get home between 2300 or 0000 and
most times both for weeks at a time during my "
observations" and preparations for my patch inputs in whatever form they come in.
I have a family and
4 grandkids and
more important than anything else CINCLANTHOME.
I to have some health issues nothing I hope that will kill me anytime soon I hope but, none the less requires I monitor them closely to include in the last couple of years trying to get at least
7 hours of sleep a night which still needs some work on my part but plays a key issue in controlling one of my health issues as "
countless" studies I've researched and can honestly say,
they're proving to be correct on that advice.
Andy and Don have served their countries, had their careers and families. They certainly
deserve to
enjoy their retirement years as they see fit.
We need to all respect the current desire to just let them catch their breath and realize they're quite capable of deciding for themselves and us what's right FOR THEM and THE GAME. They are WELL AWARE of the CLOCK. And I'm sure that in at least in passing, are wondering POSSIBLY what will happen or not beyond what I hope will be the FINAL PATCH to the game released sometime in 2026. .
We're none of us are getting any younger with the exception to do the things we want or have put off for some time for ourselves and family.
They are looking and aware of our concerns and desires. You have a sense they are looking into some issues already and I will continue to do so as they see fit.
For myself I look to this, I hope the extended break will allow me to catch up where other game issues have put
so much other equipment on the back burner for
MANY OOB's in the game. Again
I finish with I can't count how many
nights that turned into mornings Don and I have communicated over the years over many issues concerning the equipment already in the game (All the
legacy issues we've had to address.) and those to come. With Andy's time difference taken into account I know he's burned the "
midnight oil" more times than he's cared too as well.
We just tend to get tired over all months is all.
This also goes for the
dedicated "Contingent" that do play testing, development assistance, scenario and campaign development and equipment input and more from even
before I came on the scene.
I think it safe to say Andy and Don have gone through as much as I have and more as have many of you have experienced as well.
"BREATHE" for you when I need to "
Convair so far ahead of their time B-58/Delta Dart/Delta Dagger and a lot of "Black Ops Projects". B-58 is on my desktop NOT a Submarine. Fastest plane in the world for many years and NO ONE had a SAM or FIGHTER that could catch for about 3 years or a little more.
Also pilot in the first scenes was John Denver's Dad. In refueling doesn't that Pilot remind you of Peyton Manning HOF QB? Jimmy Stewart (Lt.Col. USAF Reserve.) apparently did fly that plane. Finally, Andy the singer is SCOTTISH!!
I leave you all, while I just for ANOTHER DAY BREATHE and JUST BELIEVE (For the 5th time listening as I type that slowly.

). Have a great week everyone.