I know better,
JUL 2005 and it
ain't from WIKI which sounds like a beach in Hawaii...
Note the 2018 equipment overview
is the same as the 2017 one below, just didn't feel like dealing with a word doc download at this time.
This got me to the above...
Also for GP...
To save me time and another aspect of the EW Project is typing aircraft. As verified and from
Source: SIPRI Arms Transfers Database
Information generated:
25 February 2018
Supplier/recipient (R) No. Weapon Weapon description
Sweden R: Czech Republic 14 JAS-39C Gripen FGA aircraft
No. of order Year(s) Ordered delivery/delivered
14 FGA aircraft 2004 2005
Originally produced for Sweden but declared surplus; CZK19.7 b ($775 m) 10-year lease (
offsets 130%; lease renewed 2013 for 14 years); JAS-39C version; incl 2 JAS-39D
Czechoslovakia/CHANGE/UNITS 164 & 168/JAS-39C Gripen/Start Date JUL 2005/End Date DEC 2025//Per everything above (I thought I better look at the OOB so didn't make an OMG Mistake.) These fighters are all the JAS-39C GRIPEN variant. The new lease extension will take the fighters beyond 2025. The
JAS-39D is the 2 seat version normally a trainer with
full combat capability. However I haven't had to deal which these since we got them into Thailand's OOB, but I seem to remember if equipped, it had a better ground attack capability as well.
But right now I'm done in. And the coming week of "reindeer games" are going to be
harder and worse than the recent last 2 week event earlier this month. So beyond this and prepping for the coming week I'm not going to be able to resolve that issue. It's only two aircraft (The "
D") and I think it can wait anyway.
The issues were reported on at the time in the Jets/Planes Thread. Also they were from my recently "
lost files".
Speaking off which, Andy, I was completely unable to salvage those
100+ refs. from my Mozilla Firefox files brought over to MS EDGE. Still at a loss how it could've happened. All my other thread files are still intact though I'm slowly cullying those several hundred files and migrating the relevant data to the matching files in My Favorites. It's a pain stalking process at the moment.
You can only "grin and bear it"
, and move on.
So my final thought...
The Resort WIKI on
WIKI Beach in Hawaii,
I'd never want to go or stay there even if the surfs up!?!