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Old April 18th, 2020, 02:08 AM
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Default Re: Blitzkrieg Banzai? (SP1 Conversion)

So I'm inspecting this old SP2 scenario:

West Germany Advance*
_East Germany Delay*
Date: August 9, 1986*
Location: West of Fulda,*
_________West Germany*
In this hypothrtical scenario, the West Germans had tenaciously held at Fulda, but were surrounded and cut off. The 15th West German Panzer Brigade was instructed to break through to the defenders at Fulda. Opposing them was the decimated East German 7th Panzer Division. As the West German Leopard tanks came into view, war between the two Germanys was about to begin. The GDR commander touched his fingers to his cap in salute and murmured, "Guten tag, Mein Bruder."
And a lot of the tanks in the OOB dump are "Leopard 1A6s".

Going into google reveals it was a one shot prototype with a bit of extra armor and the 120mm shoved into a Leopard 1.

I guess a "remaster" might reduce that down to a single unit example, with the remainder being replaced with some Leopard 2A1s.
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Click image for larger version

Name:	Leo1A6.jpg
Views:	257
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ID:	15990  
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Old April 18th, 2020, 05:48 PM
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Default Re: Blitzkrieg Banzai? (SP1 Conversion)

Writing the guide now; and I have gotten side tracked detailing the East German NVA.
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Old April 18th, 2020, 10:35 PM
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Default Re: Blitzkrieg Banzai? (SP1 Conversion)

Here's version 2.0 of the conversion tools.


94~ MB Download; unzips to 117~ MB, of which 73 MB are scenario ZIP files.

I've included:

Fred Chlanda's:
WW2Ed (edits SPWW2 v3 Scenarios)
FSP_Ed (edits SP2 and early SPWW2 scenarios)

as bonuses, along with the full source for Fred's:




SP1 Scenarios are contained in SP1_SCEN

If you wish to load your own custom scenarios for dumping, place them into the zipfile SP1_USER_SCENARIOS.zip.


SP2 Scenarios are contained in SP2_SCEN

If you wish to load your own custom stuff for dumping, place them into the zipfiles:



Dumping/Prepping a SP2 scenario

Let's dump a SP2 scenario from the original stock SSI list.

Run SP_Unified_Dumper_v2.exe

You'll see

################################################## ###########
################################################## ###########
################################################## ###########
1.) Dump Steel Panthers I
2.) Dump Steel Panthers II: Modern Battles
################################################## ###########
4.) Partial CSV Load into SPCAMO WW2/MBT
################################################## ###########
Select Game:
Select #2.

################################################## ###########
0. Stock SSI SP2 Scenarios
1.) --Campaign A: Korea 1950
2.) --Campaign B: Golan Heights 1973
3.) --Campaign C: Germany 1980
4.) --Campaign D: Desert Storm 1991
5.) --Campaign E: China War 1997
6.) --Campaign F: Korea 1998
7.) --Campaign G: Okinawa 1998
8.) --Campaign H: B.E.F. 1999
9.) --Campaign I: Rhineland 1999
10) --Campaign J: Bulge 1999
11.) Libya 1998 Campaign (repl. Okinawa 1998)
12.) Western Scenarios
13.) European Scenarios
14.) Middle East Scenarios
15.) Asian Scenarios
16.) South America/Africa Scenarios
Hit #0.

You'll get a long list of scenarios:

#58: Rollin' on the River : (SCEN058.DAT)
#59: Hot, Wet Pursuit : (SCEN059.DAT)
#60: Brothers in Arms : (SCEN060.DAT)
#61: Lang Vei Is Lost : (SCEN061.DAT)
#62: The Black Panthers : (SCEN062.DAT)
#63: The Black Horse : (SCEN063.DAT)
#64: Good Day, My Brother : (SCEN064.DAT)
Let's choose Good Day, My Brother : (SCEN064.DAT)

It outputs:

This is an uncompressed SP2 Scenario File!
You'll now see in the main directory a bunch of new files:

These are the original SP2 files extracted from the ZIP file.

These contain the dumped SP2 information.


Step 1: Convert the Map.

Since this is a SP2 v1.0 scenario, we first have to resave it in a working SP2 v1.1 installation to convert it into a format that Fred's WW2Map.exe can use.


Into a working DOSBOX installation of SP2 v1.1.

Start SP2, load the scenario in the editor and:

1.) jiggle the visibility up or down one or two.
2.) save the file in one of the save slots.

In our DOSBOX STEEL2\SCEN folder, we find:

SCEN138.DAT which is the resaved copy.

Renaming it to SCEN064_Compressed.DAT we copy it back to our SP Conversion folder.

We now load WW2Map.exe


and select CLRWW2v3.DAT -- this is a premade blank SPWW2 v3 map.


and select SCEN064_Compressed.DAT


I prefer saving it as spmap999.dat to simplify tasks, but you can name it whatever you like as long as it's descriptive of what it is.


Step 2: Create a Skeleton SPCAMO MBT Scenario

1.) Copy your spmap999.dat into your SPCAMO MBT \Maps folder and load up MBT.


Hit the CUSTOM map button and load map 999. If you you then hit the EDIT map button, you'll see the map in MBT. Nice, no?

2.) Start sketching out the basics of the scenario.

Because of the dumping of all revelant scenario information, our job is now much easier than a "by hand" conversion.

Opening SP2_Stock_SSI_064.DAT_Scenario_Data.csv we see:

Scenario Month,8
Scenario Year,86
Scenario Length,9
Scenario Type,Player 1 Assaults
Player1,West Germany
Player2,East Germany
Player3,West Germany
Player4,West Germany
Map Weather,Summer
Map Visibility,30
Map Location String,Near Fulda, W.G.
Hint: to add the Map Location String, hit the NAME button in the scenario editor main screen and type in Near Fulda, W.G. when prompted.

We now open:


The Formations is the most useful as it contains the following list in CSV format; which we can open in excel and sort in the first column to get this nice list:

Player 1
Battalion HQ
Panzer Company
Panzer Platoon
Panzer Platoon
Panzer Platoon
FO Vehicle
Jpz ATGM Sec
Jpz ATGM Sec
SPAA Section
SPAA Section
PzGr Platoon
PzGr Platoon
Armor Engr Plt
Gunship Section
Strike Element


Player 2
Battalion HQ
Tank Company/4
Tank Platoon/4
Tank Platoon/4
Tank Platoon/4
Tank Company/4
Tank Platoon/4
Tank Platoon/4
Tank Platoon/4
Amphib Tank Plt
Amphib Tank Plt
BMP Rifle Plt
BMP Rifle Plt
Engineer Plt
Engineer Plt
Rifle Platoon
Rifle Platoon
Strike Element
FASCAM Battery
Gunship Section
Gunship Section
Strike Element
Strike Element
Tank Platoon
Gunship Section
Gunship Section
Strike Element
Lt Howitzer Bn
Likewise, opening SP2_Stock_SSI_064.DAT_Units.csv and sorting by SIDE and UNITNUM in Excel gets us a nice list:

Player 1:
A0 Leopard 1A6
B0 Leopard 1A6
C0 Leopard 1A6
C1 Leopard 1A6
C2 Leopard 1A6
C3 Leopard 1A6
D0 Leopard 1A6
D1 Leopard 1A6
D2 Leopard 1A6
D3 Leopard 1A6
E0 Leopard 1A2
E1 Leopard 1A2
E2 Leopard 1A2
E3 Leopard 1A2
F0 M113-FO
G0 Jaguar 2
G1 Jaguar 2
H0 Jaguar 2
H1 Jaguar 2
I0 Gepard
I1 Gepard
J0 Gepard
J1 Gepard
K0 GE Rifle Squad
K1 Gustav Team
K2 GE Rifle Squad
K3 Gustav Team
K4 GE Rifle Squad
K5 Gustav Team
K6 Marder 1 A2
K7 Marder 1 A2
K8 Marder 1 A2
L0 GE Rifle Squad
L1 Gustav Team
L2 GE Rifle Squad
L3 Gustav Team
L4 GE Rifle Squad
L5 Gustav Team
L6 Marder 1 A2
L7 Marder 1 A2
L8 Marder 1 A2
M0 GE Rifle Squad
M1 GE Engineer Sqd
M2 GE Engineer Sqd
M3 GE Engineer Sqd
M4 Marder 1 A2
M5 Marder 1 A2
M6 Marder 1 A2
M7 Marder 1 A2
N0 BO-105/HOT
N1 BO-105/HOT
O0 F-4E Phantom II
O1 F-4E Phantom II


Player 2:
B0 T-72M
C0 T-72M
C1 T-72M
C2 T-72M
C3 T-72M
D0 T-72M
D1 T-72M
D2 T-72M
D3 T-72M
E0 T-72M
E1 T-72M
E2 T-72M
E3 T-72M
F0 T-72M
G0 T-72M
G1 T-72M
G2 T-72M
G3 T-72M
H0 T-10M
H1 T-10M
H2 T-10M
H3 T-10M
I0 JSU-152
I1 JSU-152
I2 JSU-152
I3 JSU-152
J0 PT-76
J1 PT-76
J2 PT-76
K0 PT-76
K1 PT-76
K2 PT-76
L0 GDR Rifle Squad
L1 GDR Rifle Squad
L2 GDR Rifle Squad
L3 BMP-1
L4 BMP-1
L5 BMP-1
M0 GDR Rifle Squad
M1 GDR Rifle Squad
M2 GDR Rifle Squad
M3 BMP-1
M4 BMP-1
M5 BMP-1
N0 Spigot Team
N1 Spigot Team
N2 Spigot Team
O0 GDR Engineers
O1 GDR Engineers
O2 GDR Engineers
P0 Sagger Team
P1 GDR Rifle Squad
P2 GDR Rifle Squad
Q0 GDR Rifle Squad
Q1 GDR Rifle Squad
Q2 GDR Rifle Squad
R0 Su-22 Fitter-D
R1 Su-22 Fitter-D


L0 GE Sniper
M0 GE Sniper
N0 GE Sniper
O0 Earthen Bunker
O1 Earthen Bunker
O2 Earthen Bunker
P0 Concrete Bunker
P1 Concrete Bunker
P2 Concrete Bunker
Q0 Leopard 1A6
Q1 Leopard 1A6
Q2 Leopard 1A6
Q3 Leopard 1A6
R0 M48A2GA2 Patton
R1 M48A2GA2 Patton
R2 M48A2GA2 Patton
T0 FASCAM Section
T1 FASCAM Section
U0 BO-105/HOT
U1 BO-105/HOT
V0 BO-105
V1 BO-105
W0 F-4E Phantom II
W1 F-4E Phantom II
X0 F-104G
X1 F-104G
You might wonder what S0 (Blank) through X1 (F-104G) are.

The full unit CSV dump shows that they're OFF MAP.

Basically, they're "ghosts" from the scenario creation.

The original designer added them, and later subtracted them from the scenario, but their digital afterimages remain; revealed by scenario dump programs such as this.

There are also other issues.

We try to buy a Panzer Company for the West German player and we get:

Leopard 1A1A1
Leopard 1A1A2
Leopard 1A2
Leopard 1A3
Leopard 1A4
Leopard 1A5
Leopard 2
Leopard 2A1
Leopard 2A4

but no Leopard 1A6

Inspecting the original SP2 encyclopedia reveals no Leopard 1A6 either there.

Checking online through Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leopard_1) reveals:

Leopard 1A5 had an all new turret, which had the option to mount the 120mm gun; and that there was a single prototype Leopard 1A6 which was a Leopard 1A1A1 modified to mount the 120mm as a testbed.

I think the original SP2 scenario author tried to make "Leopard 1A6" by using Modify Unit Data and changing Weapon 1 on Leopard 1A5s to be the 120mm gun of the Leopard 2.

He later found that it broke the scenario, making it too easy for the W. German player, so changed it back; but it was too hard to change all the unit names, so they remained, like ghosts in the machine.

So after some deliberation , the new West German OOB will be:

Panzer Kompanie of Leopard 1A4
1 x FO (VB) Vehicle (KanJagPz VB) -- because M113 are boring.
2 x Jpz ATGM Sec (Jaguar 2)
2 x SPAA Sec (Gepard A1)
2 x PzGren Platoons (Marder 1A2)
1 x Armored Engineer Platoon (TchPz Fuchs with Milan)
1 x Attack Helo Section (PAH-I BO-105)
1 x Strike Element (MBB F-4F with CBU and Maverick)

I've decided to add some "General Support" Artillery to support the German Commander as part of the "Gold" enhancements; because in a true "Cold War Gone Hot" environment, you'd have some access to artillery; though limited and heavily rationed. The "General Support" fits this; its available, but slow responding (because everyone else wants fire support as well).

2 x Medium Batteries (155mm FH155)
1 x MARS Minelet (Rocket Mine Battery)

Moving over to the East German OOB, looking at the units in the original OOB, there's issues:

T-72M (yes, but did East Germany have enough?)
T-10M (never exported outside of USSR)
JSU-152 (never gotten by NVA)
PT-76 (reconnaissance battalions got this starting in December 1956)

Analyzing the AFV park of the NVA in 1986 (LINK to DDR AFV 1950-1990) the following numbers shake out:

T-34/85: 60 in reserve
T-54: 208
T-54A: 278
T-54AM: 278
T-55: 376
T-55A: 1,357
T-55A(P): 330~ (P for Polen - Poland)
T-72: 133 (1984) to 549 (1989)
PT-76: 101
PT-76B: 54

BMP-1SP2: 878 (1984) to 926 (1988)
BMP-1P: 187 (1988)
BMP-2: 24 (1985)
SPW-152W1 - 750~
SPW-40P: about 300~
SPW-40P2: 1,468~
SPW-60PA: 259
SPW-60PB: 1,633
SPW-70: 319 to 400?

2S1 Gvozdika (122mm): 266~
2S3 Akatsiya (152mm): 78~
ZSU-23/4: 123 to 132
ZSU-57/2: about 30

So it appears from sheer numbers that a 1986 East German Force would be:


With a few "elite" units of:

Thus, my redesigned DDR force would be:

18 x T-55A variants
8 x T-72

So we have:

2 x Tank Companies of T-55AM
2 x Tank Platoons of T-72M
1 x Recon Detachment Group
1 x Amphibious Tank Platoon (to attach to Recon Detachment Group)
2 x SpZ Platoons (BMPs)
2 x Eng Platoon
1 x Motor Inf Plt (SPW-60)
1 x FAGOT ATGM Platoon
1 x MiG-23BM Striek Element

And for Direct Support:
1 x 122mm Battalion
1 x RM-70 Rocket unit

I buy everything and save. Normally, placing everything (from units to VLOCs) would be an atrocious experience in hunt and pecking.... but now that we have the utility, it's much easier.


Step 3: Dump your Skeletal/SPCAMO scenario

Copy over your SPCAMO scenario and place it in \SPCAMO_SCEN

NOTE: Your SPCAMO scenario is going to have to be named either:


I've hard coded it for now; because this is meant to help design scenarios, not convert them to Steel Panthers 5 -- now in 3D -- in the year 2040.

Don't Forget to Save Backups to Backups of your scenario!

Load up SP_Unified_Dumper_v2.exe again and select:

3. ) Dump SPCAMO WW2/MBT
Then select the game type, WW2 or MBT.

It will then unpack/dump everything.

In your /DUMP directory, you'll see a bunch of files with names like:

These are the scratch files used to edit/view the compressed sections in the SP v1.1 format.

In your main directory, you'll see the following files:

These are the files that you'll edit in order to edit the SPCAMO game.

Load up SPCAMO_VLOCs.csv and SP2_Stock_SSI_064.DAT_VLOCs.csv in excel.

Copy 'n paste the values from the SP2 csv over to the SPCAMO csv and save.

Open up the SP2_Stock_SSI_064.DAT_Briefing.txt and save it as spMBTscn0999.txt with changes to reflect the converted scenario.

West Germany Advance*
_East Germany Delay*
Date: August 9, 1986*
Location: West of Fulda,*
_________West Germany*
In this hypothetical scenario, the West Germans had tenaciously held at Fulda, but were surrounded and cut off. The 15th West German Panzer Brigade was instructed to break through to the defenders at Fulda. Opposing them was the decimated East German 7th Panzer Division. As the West German Leopard tanks came into view, war between the two Germanys was about to begin. The GDR commander touched his fingers to his cap in salute and murmured, "Guten tag, Mein Bruder."*
More accurate GDR OOB more in line with reality.*
We're not going to change Leaders, because we'll go with the stock SPCAMO values/distribution for leaders, as opposed to the older SP2 values/distribution.

Bombard doesn't need to be changed, as this isn't a heavy bombardment scenario. In fact there's no pre-mission bombardment of any kind.

Scenario_Data -- loading of this data isn't currently implemented. . We've already entered all the data we need to in the SPCAMO Scenario editor anyway, except for Scenario Length, we have to remember to change that to 9.

Now we come to the hard part.

Open up SPCAMO_Units.csv and SP2_Stock_SSI_064.DAT_Units.csv

We're going to have to transfer the following values over from SP2 to SPCAMO CSV files:


These control the location on the map and the facing of the units. The other stuff we don't care about. We'll just go with SPCAMO values for unit experience, etc.

Don't forget to copy the XLOC/YLOC of transport units over to the units that they carry!

A suggestion -- in the SPCAMO CSV file, highlight the fields you're gonna edit with something bright, like yellow cell backgrounds, so that when you copy the values from the SP2 CSV, they'll overwrite the formatting and make it easy to remember "I changed that."

Some of the stuff, we'll have to do by hand, such as:

Loading Units onto Transports as the transport code is a bit complicated -- best not to muck that up.

Placing 'extra' units -- I ended up with about 6 extra T-55AM over the ones in the SP2 scenario, so I'll have to place them by hand.

So we close our CSV files after saving.


Step 4: Load your CSV edits into your SPCAMO scenario

This is where it gets tricky.

Start up SP_Unified_Dumper_v2-2.exe again.


4.) Partial CSV Load into SPCAMO WW2/MBT
And the type -- MBT or WW2. Hit enter.


It will take a while as the form of CSV loading I chose is easy to implement in python but very slow. Likewise, editing 1,000s of individual bits is slow. I can implement a faster, less computationally intensive solution, but it's good for now.

You'll see a line go:

Leader Section Done and Waiting for you to load and resave in SPCAMO (Scenario 998)

Go into SPCAMO_SCEN and you'll see a new file.

spMBTscn0998.dat It's bigger than 999, because it has an uncompressed section in it.

Copy that file to your MBT Scenario directory.

Load it in SPCAMO, move a unit around or wriggle and resave in the same scenario slot (998).

Copy that resaved file from MBT Scenario directory to SPCAMO_SCEN and overwrite your old 998.

Hit enter in the python console window.

VLOCs Done and Waiting for you to load and resave in SPCAMO (Scenario 997)

You now have a new file -- spMBTscn0997.dat Do the same (Copy to SP MBT directory, load in WinMBT, move around, resave, copy back.)

Units/Bombardment Done and Waiting for you to load and resave in SPCAMO (Scenario 996)

Repeat with spMBTscn0996.dat

Unit X/Y Locations Done and Waiting for you to load and resave in SPCAMO (Scenario 995)

Repeat with spMBTscn0995.dat


Ok, and that's it. It's all now loaded into your game.

We now change the game length to 9 turns; as well as do final chrome (placing "extra" units), loading troops onto transports, etc saving in a final scenario slot, etc.

-------------------BIG NOTE:---------------
If you buy a new unit -- if you forgot to buy a transport APC for a HQ, and you buy one -- it makes all the unit facings zero out. :-(

So carefully plan your purchases and OOBs before you do the whole "uploading" to the SPCAMO dat.

Last edited by MarkSheppard; April 18th, 2020 at 10:48 PM..
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Old April 18th, 2020, 10:36 PM
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Cool Re: Blitzkrieg Banzai? (SP1 Conversion)

1995 vs 2020...
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File Type: zip SP2_Brother.zip (56.3 KB, 318 views)
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Old April 19th, 2020, 03:21 PM
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Default Re: Blitzkrieg Banzai? (SP1 Conversion)

Another slight modification of the SP2 Good Day My Brother scenario.

Changes: A few more units to each side, for balance reasons.
Attached Files
File Type: zip MeinBrutherv2.zip (57.3 KB, 336 views)
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Old April 20th, 2020, 12:19 PM
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Default Re: Blitzkrieg Banzai? (SP1 Conversion)

looking into implementing SPWW2 version 2 to 2.2 dumping, since while all the official stuff was ported forward, some user created stuff got "lost", like cyberboard scenarios (I hand converted one scenario years ago).
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Old April 20th, 2020, 04:23 PM
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Default Re: Blitzkrieg Banzai? (SP1 Conversion)

SP2WW2 works fine, since it's basically SP2 with EXE hacks to display icons.

Running into some weird issues with some SPWW2 early stuff meriting investigation further.
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Old April 20th, 2020, 05:55 PM
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Default Re: Blitzkrieg Banzai? (SP1 Conversion)

I redownloaded all the Cyberstratege CDROMs and pulled stuff from them, Some nice gems like a SP2 Campaign with the French in Bosnia!
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Old April 21st, 2020, 12:16 AM
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Default Re: Blitzkrieg Banzai? (SP1 Conversion)

Originally Posted by MarkSheppard View Post
looking into implementing SPWW2 version 2 to 2.2 dumping, since while all the official stuff was ported forward, some user created stuff got "lost", like cyberboard scenarios (I hand converted one scenario years ago).
I can easily dump SP2WW2 and SPWW2 v2.2 stuff, but there is a proviso.

(once again), you will need a a copy of SP2WW2 / SPWW2 v2.2 because some files I've found are in corrupt/nonstandard formats.

Basically, trying to dump them direct from the cyberstratege CD images throws all sorts of errors...BUT if you load them and then resave them in SP2WW2/SPWW2v2.2; they dump correctly.

version 2.2 -- 109~ MB

The SP2WW2 and SPWW2 v2.2x stuff is under SP2 for now.

Also added some more stuff to the scenario collections.

EDIT: Just did a small update to v2.3 now.

What I did in this was I started to clean up the user input; to add more error trapping in the program to make it more user friendly and not error out if you push "a" instead of "1" in a menu screen...

4.6 MB ZIP

Last edited by MarkSheppard; April 21st, 2020 at 11:02 AM..
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Old April 15th, 2021, 07:24 PM
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Default Re: Blitzkrieg Banzai? (SP1 Conversion)

So here are the basic OB11 changes from SP2 and SPMBT for conversions:

SP2 --- --- --- SPMBT
Mi-24 Hind-A --- Mi-24A
Mi-24 Hind-D --- Mi-24D
Mi-24 Hind-D --- Mi-24D
Mi-24 Hind-E --- Mi-24V

FO Vehicles
SP2 --- --- --- SPMBT
ACRV-2 --- --- MT-LBu 1V12

Self Propelled Guns
SP2 --- --- --- SPMBT
SO-120 Anona --- --2S9 Nona-S
SO-122 Gvozdika --- 2S1 Gvozdika
SO-152 Akatsiya --- 2S3 Akatsiya / 2S3M Akatsiya / 2S3M1 Akatsiya

Fixed/Mounted SAM
SA-2 Guideline --- S-75 Dvina
SA-3 Goa --- --- S-125 Neva / S-125 Neva M
SA-4 Ganef --- --- Krug A / Krug M
SA-6 Gainful --- Kub / Kub M1
SA-8 Gecko --- Osa / Osa AK / Osa AKM
SA-9 Gaskin --- Strela-1 / Strela-1M
SA-13 Gopher --- Strela-10SV / Strela-10M/ Strela-10M3 / Strela-10Gyurza
2S6 Tunguska --- 2S6 Tunguska

Manportable ATGMs
Sagger Team --- Malutka Team / Malutka-P Team
Saxhorn Team (AT-7 Saxhorn) --- Metis Team
Metis Team (AT-13 Metis-M) --- Metis-M Team
Spigot Team (AT-4A) --

Su-7B Fitter-A --- Su-7B / Su-7BM
Su-7B Fitter-A --- Su-7B / Su-7BM
Su-7B Fitter-A --- Su-7B / Su-7BM
Su-17 Fitter-C --- Su-17M
Su-17 Fitter-C --- Su-17M
Su-17 Fitter-D --- Su-17M2
Su-20 Fitter-C --- Export version of Su-17M

Last edited by MarkSheppard; April 15th, 2021 at 08:33 PM..
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