Originally Posted by shahadi
From the Game Guide regarding Timed Objectives:
"The attacker does not get any timed hex score credit. He removes any potential future score from the defender by taking the victory hex as early as he can. Scenarios can be built with timed
objectives, this includes those built into user campaigns but these will only be of use for full CD game owners. The last turn and accumulated scores for timed victory hexes are reported at the
end turn phase once they have started to be credited for the battle type. The total is also now reported on the end game score sheet."
Mute point possibly as only those with paid version get them but as said depends on engagement type.
From Game Guide
In a meeting engagement the victory hexes start accumulating a timed score from turn 3 onwards.
In an advance mission, the defender gets timed scores from ¼ of the game length onwards. In an advance the attacker wants to clear the enemy as fast as he can.
In an assault, the defender gets the standard victory hex score credited from the 1/3 point onwards, then doubled at 2/3 into the game. Scoring this way allows the attacker some time to clear defensive obstacles etc.
The attacker does not get any timed hex score credit. He removes any potential future score from the defender by taking the victory hex as early as he can. Scenarios can be built with timed objectives, this includes those built into user campaigns but these will only be of use for full CD game owners.
The last turn and accumulated scores for timed victory hexes are reported at the end turn phase once they have started to be credited for the battle type. The total is also now reported on the end game score sheet.