Originally Posted by shahadi
Originally Posted by Aeraaa
Originally Posted by Suhiir
With helos in particular on a modern battlefield a stationary target is a dead target.
I do not know if it's the latest patch's problem, but lately I find attack helos extremely resistant to tank and ATGM fire. To the point that it is very common to take a tank round right in the face and have zero, yes ZERO damage done to the chopper!
Are you saying the game is reporting the helo was hit, or it just appears the tank round hit.
The hex is 50m, the tank round could have been close. A very close round may result in some damage points, maybe 1 as most attack helos won't take damage beyond 2 points.
I hit the chopper, the message "xxx was hit" diplayed, but no damage happened.
Anyway Andy gave the answer I was looking for.