I'm moving my comments on this scenario, Emergency Brake from, the
TO&E Forum.
I opened the scenario in the Editor, but let me digress, I have found using the scenario naming convention of slot#, scenario title to be accepted practice. Okay, with that said, after I checked the Austrian side, I made a few changes from the Editor as I mentioned in the TO&E forum:
Here, you can see the results using the default Austrian OOB.
Okay, now using the R key in the Editor, I can swap out the error unit for unit in the default OOB, in this instance I choose a Rifle Section with the same weapons loadout. Then using the D key I changed the unit name and the M2 Carl Gustav ammo loadout to 3 He and 3 AP as the designer specified. Afterwards, I could simply clone the unit.
But, after looking at the Red side, I saw something strange that I do not like and that should be corrected. I saw the first unit was not A0, but B0 as the Battle Group HQ.
So, I popped over to Scenhack to confirm:
Note the Red units are sandwiched between Austrian units. This should be avoided,unfortunately, since the B0 unit is listed as the Battle Group HQ and not A0, there is nothing to be done but to start over from, completely.
Here follows one more view:
Now,it is fully confirmed and following advice from others with more seniority I am confident the scenario should be re-built from Purchase screen for both sides.
It is important to know the forces of each side before making a purchase, or at least know with certainty the force structure of the first side so that your unit list for both sides is continuous.
Oh, yes, the naming convention of scenarios, example: 965 Emergency Brake is accepted practice.
More to come on the Red OPFOR structure, well since I am here now, my reading is that the Russian Tank company is now organized into 10 tanks since around 2008 or 2009 the change was made from 3 tank to 4 tank platoon, 2 platoons with 2 tank HQs for a 10 tank company. This Red force appears as a Motorized Rifle Company with tank support, yet the BG Hq is led by a tank. A combined arms structure would have a tank platoon (4 tanks) supporting a a motorized rifle company.