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Old July 5th, 2012, 11:29 AM

Adam J Adam J is offline
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Default Re: MP: RNGNoob EA Noob game, Now playing!

Alrighty then, good game folks! I think I can attribute my win mostly to amazing starting location, pretty good luck with magic sites (20 percent conjuration, 40 percent thaumaturgy- the reason I had a hoard of wendigos, and of course the sorceress site, which broke me into air. And of course druids are spectacular as a recruit anywhere mage. Plus Pan was pretty foolish to go after me by himself, I did a number on his manead hoards with my druids and bladewind. Lunaje- did you have a blood site? I'm impressed by the amount of blood magic you churned out.
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Old July 5th, 2012, 11:39 AM
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Default Re: MP: RNGNoob EA Noob game, Now playing!

I'm impressed by the amount of blood magic you churned out.
That`s how Blood magic works.
Plus Pan was pretty foolish to go after me by himself
Maenad-heavy EA Pan CAN go after midgame Marverni by himself - but he needs something more, than unsupported maenad hordes. I`d say alt 7, conj 3, ench 5.
It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.
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Old July 5th, 2012, 12:07 PM

Adam J Adam J is offline
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Default Re: MP: RNGNoob EA Noob game, Now playing!

I know blood is handy in that way but abysia doesn't really have amazing blood ability with cap only relatively low level blood plus maybe my scouts sucked but I didn't spot many hunters- I remote assassinated the one batch I found. And without dousing rods it takes more work too. Meanwhile he had a ton of arch devils, vamps and could still send a number of disease demons my way each turn.
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Old July 5th, 2012, 01:32 PM
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Lunaje Lunaje is offline
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Default Re: MP: RNGNoob EA Noob game, Now playing!

Well then, good game. Congratz AdamJ.
Wow, two discount sites. I had the blood 20 discount site, yes. But I discovered it too late (didn't know then, they are pretty obvious due to unrest); I started blood late too. But also you didn't discover my other bloddhunters, there were plenty of them.
Pan was a steam roll, and early I was curious how Fomoria went away so fast. He was one of the leading nations, but didn't manage to win over C'tis and seems to have left his back unprotected.
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Old July 5th, 2012, 05:22 PM

Adam J Adam J is offline
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Default Re: MP: RNGNoob EA Noob game, Now playing!

Honestly I didn't have much to do with Fomoria, I just snatched some nearly free provinces since he was busy with Atlantis and C'tis and he was my only choice for an early war other then Pan who seemed quite a bit more prepared or Atlantis who I couldn't really effectively attack. Plus I figured my fire bless would make my sacreds pretty effective giant killers. C'tis pulled out some nasty castle defenses on Fomoria by casting foul vapors and using skelly spam to clog up the entrance to his fortress. I think Fomoria rushed that attack since he wanted to finish up C'tis and focus on me. Atlantis was pushy about getting Formoria's cap so I let him take it in order to keep the peace with him...

Pan declared war on me just as I finished off with the Fomoria war so I could pretty effectively shift my forces over to the fight with him and my other borders were secure thanks to NAPs with Ctis and Atlantis... I was hoping for a few turns of peace in order to get my research back up to speed but it obviously worked out well for me all the same. Pan scored some early raiding victories but never really won an important battle and his raiders eventually got caught without any lines of retreat. I used reverse communions which could blot out the sun with bladewinds on the second turn of each combat to deal with him maneads(two master matrixes so the communion leaders would power of spheres and earthpower all the slaves on the first turn). I had a few eye of aiming enhanced e3s2n1 mages to throw gifts of heaven at his heavier targets. He finally got his lich to start casting earthquake which was effective the first time but less so afterwards ( I made sure to have my communion leaders cast ironskin/stoneskin to get the whole communion armored up and he couldn't do a first turn earthquake with his lich).

Lunaje, the game is still running so if you want to try out a defense of your cap we can play out the next two-three turns and see how it goes.
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Old July 6th, 2012, 06:23 PM
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Default Re: MP: RNGNoob EA Noob game, Now playing!

Oh, I will leave it here at this point. It's been a long game, and since we agreed on conceding victory, I would prefer to take a rest from it now.
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