Re: Wish-List for Dominions 4
Vey Clear to me
1. iPad app, devastating to work productivity, but very cool
2. End destination feature. When the games and armies become large, it is difficult to track all that you wish. Rather than move, province by province, each turn it would be better to set a destination province and then have a scroll (or automatic unit by unit scroll) that just enables yo to confirm he destination.
3. A few more unit options on the battlefield, "hold until relieved", that sort of thing.
4. As undoubtably pointed out earlier, a bit prettier graphics (I realize that their are limitations to this based on file sizes and processing speeds).
5. A few more nations. Perhaps an integration of the best modded nations.
If others have mentioned these ... sorry for the duplicity.
One really wonders if, that after all these years, they are really interested in that. After all, they must consider a cost benefit analysis. Which expenditure of time yields the greatest $ return. Dominions probably isn't it. If I knew a bit more about the code I'd do it myself, especially, items 1 & 2.
Just 2 cents