Originally Posted by Judicator65
For example, tenars should really have TSI/GSR level sensors, which would mean that they probably should have done better in your Alpine scenario.
Not sure how high a value WinSPMBT can handle for TSI/GSR (at least 60), but 120 should be about right.
Originally Posted by Judicator65
Also, there's no real way to model the way that the normals would just pour ridiculous amounts of fire in the general direction of incoming fire.
You could sort of model this by making the squads as big as WinSPMBT can handle (20? 50? never tried to see how many men is max in a squad). And of course they will only have a single weapon (slot 1) which you could tinker with to create values for shotguns and 1mm railguns.
Huge squads also has the advantage of being hard to destroy with anything other then artillery or other AoE weapons. AND makes them more vulnerable to such weapons since the hex is "crowded".