Originally Posted by Soyweiser
It looks like B mages can use any slave on their side of the battlefield. Do not store spare slaves on other commanders in the battle, use scouts for that.
I don't know if you can use bloodslaves from the other side of the battlefield. But somebody should check that out. Determining the range of the blood slave use is irritating work.
There is definitely a range on blood slaves, but I'm not sure how far it is. I was testing out a call lesser horror strategy with Warlock Apprentices in CBM 1.92. I had three on the board, one at the top rear, one middle rear, one bottom rear, 3 slaves apiece:
On the first round, the top WA used his two slaves to cast. The middle used the top's third and his own first. The bottom used the middle's second and third.
On the second round, the top could not access any and cast body etheral. The middle used the bottom's first and second. The bottom used his third. So whatever the range is, it's less than the full height of the battlefield, but more than half the height.